Farewell Day: our international students say farewell to the University
13 December, 2018Universidad CEU San Pablo has won an award at the I Gala de la Solidaridad y del Voluntariado Ciudad de Alcorcón
20 December, 2018Commitment to the development of an international vision is one of the cornerstones of the educational model of CEU Universities. We want our students to know no limits when developing their professional career and personal life. Thus we offer the possibility to enrich their academic profiles offering a quality international education beyond our borders. All of it in order to provide them with the best professional skills and ease their access to the labour market.
Our students can study in campus worldwide. If they prefer they can choose bilingual degrees and enjoy their stay in other countries thanks to over 500 international agreements of CEU with universities and companies worldwide.
Programs, scholarships, agreements and internships to expand horizons
CEU Universities are the only Spanish centres which offer double degree programs by the most prestigious US universities. Our students can benefit from agreements and programs with the University of California in Los Angeles, Boston University, The University of Chicago and Fordham University in New York. Those taking part in these programs will receive lessons in English in Spain from professors of these universities. They will also spend a term at the University chosen in the US.
Moreover, to improve students’ mobility we offer different options:
- Erasmus Scholarship.
- International scholarships.
- Colgate University Scholarships.
- SICUE Agreements.
- Banco Santander Scholarships.
- Erasmus Internships.
Advantages of academic stays abroad
Choosing any of these possibilities, our students enhance their international vision, improve their employability and enjoy an enriching experience at all levels. These are some of the benefits of studying abroad:
Increasing employment opportunities
The experience in international environments is highly valued by employers. The capacity to work with people with different nationalities, languages and ideas is always a plus in a selection process. According to figures from a study by the Institute of International Education (IIE-Abroad Survey) and the University of California between 90% and 95% of students with an international education found work in their sector within the six month following their graduation.
Learning or mastering a language
Being able to manage in two or more languages is essential in the labour market of an increasingly global world. Speaking other languages is also very enriching at a personal extent and opens doors to many cultures and experiences. Total immersion in a new society offers practical and real learning of languages.
Greater adaptation capacity
Studying in a different environment, in another country and with other cultures you learn to better manage changes and adapt to new things. All this is highly appreciated in a world full of uncertainty as the actual one both in personal and professional life.
Expanding your mind
Such new situations experimented in an academic stay abroad oblige us to rethink our mental schemes. This will allow the search of new perspectives and objectives as well as to consolidate and improve cognitive and logic reasoning.
Creating a network of contacts
Knowing people from all parts of the world and creating friendship or professional relations is, without doubt, a source of enrichment. Moreover, once the academic period has ended these connections may offer employment opportunities.
Knowing new ideas and identifying opportunities
Discovering other ways of life, products and services which fulfil the needs of societies different from our own boosts creative thinking and entrepreneurship initiative. Taking ideas which work in other countries and implementing then in our own can mean a business opportunity.