CEU Universities already have their own metaverse
15 October, 2021New opportunities for the employment future of CEU students
21 October, 2021Students who take part in an international mobility program are more and better prepared to face the present and future global world.
The international experience of studying abroad gives students the opportunity to live unique experiences that help them see life and the world differently, improve their language skills and their employment opportunities both in their country of origin and destination.
Better employment opportunities
These students have the skills demanded by companies such as resilience, initiative and autonomy as well as the experience in several teams. They unfold more naturally from the social and professional point of view in multicultural environments.
Truth is that ever more companies seek internationalization and have several projects abroad so professionals who know fist-hand the country of destination, the language and the culture are very attractive for them.
Alumni studying abroad normally develop the skills demanded by employers to a larger extent than youngsters who have stayed in the countries.
CEU international mobility
CEU commits to international projection offering students the opportunity to complete and validate their education abroad by agreements signed with schools and universities of all continents included in the Program Erasmus+ of the European Commission or by agreements signed with other foreign universities such as UCLA, Boston University y Fordham University. For further information: https://www.ceuuniversities.com/universidades-usa/
It is interesting to recall that the main study carried out on this issue by the European Commission mentioned that youngsters have travelled abroad with the Erasmus Program have, five years after their graduation, an 7% unemployment rate, 23% less than those who do not study abroad.
On the other hand, international double degrees grant two degrees and a master valid in two universities and different countries. That makes you outstand and double your possibilities of finding an employment.
The study by the EC states that international experience is of much help in the labour market as it also reduces by half the options of being affected by long-term unemployment.
At CEU we have been working multilaterally for many years to build an international university, an environment that responds to these challenges in teaching, research and transmission of knowledge.
Our international projection is reinforced with over 300 agreements signed with the main foreign universities both European and American, Asian, Australian that allow students complete their studies in more than 50 countries.
Regarding internationalization we have two sides. One is the traditional one, that regarding exchange and mobility programs. CEU is a centre of attraction of international students every year in the mobility program, both recipients and issuers of students who are going to study part or the whole year in another university from other countries. But we also have degrees with international vocation that receive international students from other countries who come to study the whole career at our university.