CEU UCH Teaching students propose a “escape room” to teach mathematics
18 December, 2019IV Edition of the Equality Awards of Audiovisual Communication of CEU UCH
10 January, 2020After Christmas vacations it is time for exams at CEU Universities. To face these weeks with the best possible attitude it is necessary to follow some basic guidelines. They will keep us away from anxiety and will improve our self-confidence and efficiency when studying different subjects.
Organize and plan study hours
Managing time efficiently is the key to avoid stress that can negatively influence our wellbeing and the results of exams. Fighting against the feeling of “not being able to cope with everything” involves the need to carefully organize and reflect on the use of time. Planning with enough time and committing to follow the plan is essential. In the end, what is important is to create a study habit that will improve and perfect with time and will help us avoid last-minute cramming. Therefore we should:
- Plan the study time at the beginning of the year: pressure as exams approach normally triggers this obligation for many students. Nevertheless, organizing in advance is most recommended. Therefore we will be able to apply improvements, leaving always time for revision.
- Detect what makes you lose time: little relevant activities, distractions, interruptions, improvisations…analyse how much time you can save if you handle your duties effectively and you eliminate the so called “time thieves”.
- Set goals and establish priorities: not everything is as important and therefore we recommend planning pending tasks depending on their urgency. Listing the topics you want to study in each study session, favours efficiency. Setting real goals not forgetting a certain level of demand will avoid frustration and will help us find motivation.
- Rest properly: To establish the time to rest is essential for a proper planning. Changing tasks, doing sports, going out…flexibly, we can include different activities to return to our studies with a fresher mind. Moreover, these moments will help us include novelties and unexpected events more flexibly.
Look for study techniques that will help you
Learning mechanisms can vary depending on each person but there are standards that always work when facing the syllabus:
- Absorb what you study: start with a first reading to help you understand the content. After underline key ideas to make schemes, synopsis and summaries.
- Boost your memory: mnemonic rules are very useful for memorizing the syllabus.
- Work your attention: do exercises to relax before facing the books, take care of the study area to avoid distractions, reward yourself when you meet your goals…
Care for your diet and sleep
Avoiding physical inactivity is essential for a healthy life but this is even more important during exams. Practicing some sport will serve to avoid backaches, to disconnect and to oxygen your mind and release anxiety. It will also favour a refreshing sleep.
A balanced diet is also an essential ally during the examination period. Escape from pre-cooked dishes, excessively greasy or with too much sugar. Make a choice for fresh fruits and vegetables, beans and pasta. There are many home-made dishes very easy and quick to prepare that provide the necessary nutrients. If you want to eat something between hours choose nuts and avoid drinks with caffeine such as coffee or energetic drinks that will also add a lot of sugar to your diet. Try to go to bed early and wake up always at the same time so that your body can establish a routine of efficient rest.
Being optimistic, escaping from negative thoughts and trusting your skills is also a key to successfully bridge the examination period. Moreover in the different campus of the CEU Universities you will find study areas and libraries. This way you will be able to make the most of the study time in places conceived to favour concentration.