European recognition as international university
17 April, 2023Where to study Journalism in Barcelona
24 April, 2023CEU Educative Gropu is a non-profit charitable and academic institution which for the last 90 years has committed a great part of its resources to grant scholarships to talented students who want to study at any of the schools, universities or post-graduates. Committed to the culture of effort and improvement, Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU believes in the value of giving opportunities to all those who have a goal and fight for it.
In this line and under these parameters, the Group has increased its support fund for studies in 10% with respect to 2022 up to reaching nearly 17.2 million euros in year 22/23, million and a half more than last year for a total of 4,940 families.
These scholarships are considered both for new national or international students and for those who already study at any of the 25 centres throughout Spain. CEU has different types of scholarships among which we find talent awards, Merit scholarships for school incoming students, international scholarships and for the support of athletes, scholarships for academic excellence, scholarships to encourage arts, socio-economic subsidies, discounts for large families and singing scholarships among others.
Also recently the Group presented its 22/27 strategic plan to continue offering top quality education throughout all stages. In line with the foundational purpose of the entity which is to transform society raising better people and better professionals, the plan foresees a considerable modernization of premises, several lines to continue delving into teaching innovation and therefore maintaining academic excellence, to continue leading the way towards digital transformation and boosting quality employability.
CEU, being faithful to the Christian foundational principles seeks with this scholarships policy to make accessible its tops quality academic proposal to all who deserve it or in need.