Is education your vocation?
8 July, 2021It is easy to study in Valencia if you are able to forget about its beaches
18 July, 2021CEU Universities offer their graduate and post-graduate students a unique opportunity to live an international learning experience from classrooms. How? With the collaboration of universities and other foreign entities through COIL projects and mirror lectures.
Mirror lectures allow teachers to share the teaching experience from two different countries and universities teaching similar topics. This way, students enrich their learning process of the specific topic with two different perspectives.
COIL projects (Collaborative Online International Learning) on the other hand add an innovation component to learning; CEU students from different disciplines collaborate in teams with students from the partner university for the development of the project/workshop. Therefore, it is supported, supervised and mentored by teachers from both countries gaining that way an international experience from home. These projects are also open to the collaboration of external professionals from NGOs, companies or other entities both public and private.
The use of COIL projects and mirror lectures involves the implementation of a pioneer and innovative methodology that brings internationalization closer to a broader group of students and from their own campus.
A new teaching space for internationalization
Both programs have their origin in the collaboration of faculties with other international centres and for their implementation they are included in study plans through a selection of CEU topics.
CEU Universities have internationalization projects at home in all faculties thanks to our European, American, African, Asian and Oceanian partners.
COIL projects may adopt different forms and durations depending on the degree in which they are included but always sharing a common philosophy and values: favouring an experiential learning, reinforcing team work, boosting intercultural skills and developing language skills. But this is not all: students are in contact with colleagues from other countries, they become familiar with new work approaches and face the reality of an ever more global world.
The aim of CEU Global Classroom is to apply an approach which goes beyond knowledge taught in class and help therefore students to develop intercultural skills that will help them improve their incorporation to the labour market.
CEU Global Classroom is the structure that embeds all activities leading to internationalization at home: COIL programs, teaching in other languages we have already spoken of, mirror lectures, international weeks, intensive programmes, international visiting professors, Erasmus Mundus, new projects for international educational innovation….a whole universe of initiatives.
CEU teachers have been raised in innovative online teaching techniques that allow the use of the advantages offered by new technologies from class rooms.