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21 July, 2022CEU Universities, maximum distinction in teaching and employability
27 July, 2022The Director of Santander Universidades and Universia España, Susana García Espinel; the Director of Conventions and Mentoring in Santander Universidades, Jose María García de los Ríos; the general director of Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU, Javier Tello; the Chancellor of Universidad CEU San Pablo and Director of CEU Universities, Rosa Visiedo; and the Vice-Chancellor of Research and Professors of CEU USP, Agustín Probanza, have given Santander grants to over 45 students and researchers of Universidades CEU San Pablo, CEU Cardenal Herrera and Abat Oliba CEU.
This academic year Santander Universidades has devoted €550,000 to study scholarships for graduates, postgraduates and PhDs, scholarships for research or academic mobilities and scholarships for contracting researchers in education or collaboration. Finally, scholarships for the development of young talent and its future employability following three main axis: studies, employment and entrepreneurship.
Moreover the entity continues offering CEU its technological, operational and management collaboration through the different initiatives and projects developed with respect to universities and University community such as Universia España, the Intelligent University Card and the AppCrue.
The chancellor of Universidad CEU San Pablo and Director of Universidades CEU, Rosa Visiedo, has recalled that the relation between Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU and Santander Universidades “goes back for over 20 years supporting over 1,000 university students through scholarships, mobilities and activities related to research”. Also the chancellor has thanked «Santander Universidades for being our travel companion in the challenge we have of raising future generations to build a better world for all”.
The chancellor of Santander Universidades and Universia España, Susana García Espinel, has pointed out that “everything begins and finishes with education and therefore for Banco Santander helping people through quality education, improving their skills to be more employable and supporting entrepreneurs who decide to undertake their business from University has already become a flag ship”
Banco Santander maintains its firm commitment to progress and inclusive and sustainable growth with a pioneer and consolidated proposal for education, entrepreneurship and employment developed through Santander Universidades for more than 25 years and it differentiates it from the rest of financial entities worldwide. From the beginning, the bank has devoted over 2,100 million euros and has supported over 790,000 students, professionals and undertaking projects by agreements with nearly 1,000 universities and institutions in 15 countries.