Estudiantes durante una sesión formativa en el Aula Adecco
Aula Adecco: improving competitiveness through talent
5 May, 2023
Actuaciones en directo durante la Fiesta del Voluntariado
The Volunteering Festival, committing to the unprivileged
16 May, 2023
Estudiantes durante una sesión formativa en el Aula Adecco
Aula Adecco: improving competitiveness through talent
5 May, 2023
Actuaciones en directo durante la Fiesta del Voluntariado
The Volunteering Festival, committing to the unprivileged
16 May, 2023

CEU Scholarships for academic merits at Universidad Abat Oliba, new call!

Universitat Abat Oliba CEU launches a new call for its CEU Merit Program Scholarships to offer all students the opportunity to change their present and build their future. This scholarships program of the university offers 50 scholarships for all degrees with the following features:

The granting of the scholarship involves that the candidate will benefit from one of the following facilities:

  • CEU Merit Program 100 Scholarship: Totally free in the degree you have chosen.
  • CEU Merit Program Scholarship: 65% reduction of academic fees mentioned for the degree chosen.

CEU Merit Program is automatically renewed every year if the conditions established are met. When you join this CEU scholarships program, the scholarship will cover from the beginning until the end of the career insofar as the student’s performance is up to the requirements demanded; a commitment of CEU with the whole education period of the degree chosen.

In June before University Access Examinations (PAU) the scholarships granted will be published. This way, access examinations are faced with less stress knowing that they have a place with a scholarship at UAO CEU.

Requirements to access these CEU Scholarships

To grant these scholarships, the Commission will study the following relevant merits for the assessment of candidates:

  • Having a grade over the rest of candidates and valued as excellent by the Commission.
  • Evidence of mastering one or several languages (optional).
  • Family income level.
  • Research Work at High School (optional).
  • Social and extracurricular activities developed (optional).


– 28th May: Deadline for the filing of applications and documentation.

– 5th June: Communication of resolution of scholarships.

Check the price per year  of each degree of the program of scholarships CEU Merit Program.


Here you will find the basis of the program of CEU Merit Scholarships, DOWNLOAD HERE.