Rosa Visiedo, Rector of CEU USP: “Classrooms at CEU are still open”
29 April, 2020CEU received the Award granted by La Razón as Best Education Group
6 May, 2020The application period has already started at CEU Universities as well as open days, – in this case, virtually- admission exams and scholarship applications. At the websites of the three CEU Universities you will find all the information both international and national students need. If you read this from abroad, we encourage you to discover the experience of our international students and take the leap to become a CEU student.
Universidad CEU San Pablo (Madrid)
CEU USP is the best private university in Madrid according to the ranking of the journal El Mundo of 2018. Since 5th February you are able to apply. Below we list the most useful links to access all processes:
- Application: at the Portal del futuro alumno you will be able to apply to the university centre in Madrid either by graduate (national and international application) and postgraduate.
- Graduate application: In this process you will be assisted by the team of the Admission Service who with the support of teachers, provide assistance to help you always make the best choice. All the information on the admission schedule, the exams, prices and application, the different access routes, how to transfer the file and get the credits acknowledged as well as other information on the admission process for the Faculty of Medicine (application, deadlines, criteria, reservation, enrolment) and regulation in all cases, here.
- Postgraduate application: application, the process, the booking and payment of enrolment as well as scholarships and financial aid, here.
- International application: If you are from abroad and want to study in Spain, Universidad CEU San Pablo helps you throughout the whole process: enrolment, documentation, visas, and accommodation and welcome services to learn in an international environment. Check the process and the admission interview, the transfer of file, scholarships and how to access the information, counselling and hospitality services.
- Scholarships and aids and also postgraduate: Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU directs most part of its resources to provide scholars to talented students.
Universidad CEU Abat Oliba (Barcelona)
The UAO has signed one hundred agreements with Universities from over 25 countries and 13 bilingual programs. If you come from a foreign country, the experience of living in Barcelona will be highly enriching:
- Graduate admission process: The CEU Abat Oliba carries out a fully online admission process and complementing PAUs or any other official University access routes. In this link you will find how to process your application, the documentation to be filed, how to book, request scholarships as well as information on the admission process and enrolment. Everything also for over 25 and 45 years old.
- Postgraduate admission process: It offers a free and online admission process to assess the skills and capacity of candidates. How to manage the application, the admission and the reservation as well as the enrolment, here.
- International admission: Foreign students are supported by the international welcoming service to manage the personal documentation and the enrolment, housing, healthcare card, official scholarships and all the necessary personal formalities (transport, mobile phone, opening of bank account, discounts, etc.). All that information in addition to the process, paperwork and admission exams, enrolment, application for scholarships and how to live in Barcelona are available here. Also you can receive information on the International admission process for Masters and postgraduates.
- PhD School CEINDO: The CEU Escuela Internacional de Doctorado (CEINDO) forms research groups composed by PhDs with considerable research experience. All the information on the admission and enrolment is available here.
Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera (Valencia)
During 2018-19, the CEU UCH reached a record figure in its three campuses of nearly 2,500 international students which represents 30% of the total and is expected to continue increasing.
- With the Online service of pre-university counselling, the CEU UCH offers counselling to students who wish to choose a graduate.
- Graduate admission process: The admission form, the information to apply, the interview and the enrolment is explained here.
- The Degree in Medicine and the Spanish/English bilingual graduate in Medicine have their own admission processes which include the admission exam and the need to achieve a minimum score to be admitted.
- International admission process : In this page you can access the form, the necessary documentation, the Intranet, the information about the personal interview, the language level and the enrolment and inscription as well as the link to the Facebook group of candidates for 2020-21.
- On the other hand, through the Web you can easily access the postgraduate, PhD and educational cycles admission processes.
- The rates, scholarships and insurances for new graduate students, scholarships, financial aids and financing of postgraduates.
We hope that all this information will be useful and that very soon you will be part of the CEU family joining the over 210,000 students who have already studied in our premises.