Which are the careers with greatest job opportunities?
28 June, 2021Increase of employment offers for Postgraduate alumni
5 July, 2021For the second year in a row, the journal El Economista has presented the ranking analysing over one hundred educational institutions of Latin America. CEU Universities thanks to their digitalization process and capacity to adapt to the new reality have ranked second as the most innovative in Latin America.
Indicators taken into account for the preparation of this ranking have based on aspects such as the innovation applied by universities to their methodologies, the use of cutting-edge learning tools, a curricular plan focused on the 4th Industrial Revolution, teachers combining PhDs with experts in the business reality, the internationalization of the institution, the importance of the academic experience and the networking capacity of students.
Teaching innovation: digitalization and adaptation to the new reality
In this adaptation and digitalization process, the journal highlights the Master in Data Protection, Transparency and Access to Information that has consolidated as an international reference with the most notable experts worldwide and whose students are renowned for their knowledge and skills by the most important companies and organizations of the sector.
The academic program deals with the law on data protection and issues that require the implementation of legal standards in a technological innovation environment where transparency and access to information, on the one hand and safety and good use of information, on the other reveal as essential; not only as a concept but also as in constant practice.
In this sense, the newest European Regulation on Data Protection provides for a new European privacy model and requires companies, both corporations and small Pymes, and Public Administrations to have competent experts in the field. The University Master in Data Protection, Transparency and Access to Information offers essential education for all who wish to develop their professional career as Data Protection Officer (DPO). Other professional opportunities offered by this Master are:
- Expert in Big Data.
- Counselling Departments.
- Consultancy and Audit of data protection and security of information.
- Units/departments of transparency and access to information of public bodies.
These topics are taught by the most relevant professionals and teachers of the sector both national and international and the student has the option to carry out internships in the main institutions, companies and law firms of the sector with a high percentage of incorporation to the labour market after internships.