Advices to successfully face the first year at University
2 September, 2019CEU Digital Assistant reaches our Universities: a pioneer and bilingual project
17 September, 2019With the beginning of academic year 2019-2020 CEU Universities have hosted the welcome session for foreign students. Therefore, these days they have been able to know the campus, their colleagues and professors, in addition to the planning of different subjects. Through active workshops and activities they have delved into CEU university life.
The Dean of Universidad CEU San Pablo, Rosa Visiedo, welcomed over 300 students of 40 different nationalities highlighting the strengths of CEU USP, a pioneer centre. To boost undertaking in order to improve employability, service vocation and commitment with society through different projects are the hallmark of CEU San Pablo. The campus in Montepríncipe and Moncloa were the scenario of this first encounter.
In turn, at the campus of Valencia of the CEU Cardenal Herrera, over 700 international students took part in the welcome session. Another encounter was also hosted at the campus in Castellón with nearly 240 attendants from 30 different countries. All of them have been proposed activities and training workshops to favour their adaptation. At the campus in Elche, the 70 foreign students listened to the welcoming words of the Vice-Dean, Enrique Centeno. They have been provided with information about the syllabus of the subjects they will study as well as of the cultural offer of CEU. They have been able to know the anti-harassment zero tolerance protocol as well as the way to develop healthy habits that will aid them in their university path.
Welcome sessions have also served to inform the new comers on the operation of the Intranet, the style book to present works and the personalized tutorial program. On the other hand, at the campus in Elche, the Mentoring Program has already started. With this initiative we connect students who are just arriving with 2nd and 4th year students to favour their adaptation.
In total, nearly two thousand new students of up to 68 nationalities have chosen the campus of CEU Cardenal Herrera to complete their university studies.
At Universidad CEU Abat Oliba international students have been received at the Welcome Session organized by the International Office. The purpose of this encounter is to encourage students to take part in the life of the campus and to make available for them the necessary information to start university life at CEU.
The presence of international students is very enriching and turns campus of CEU Universities into open, flexible and tolerant environments. In CEU we work to encourage the international projection of our students. Our purpose is to provide our students with the necessary tools to integrate into a global world where societies and multicultural professional environments are ever more frequent.