Tu futuro es digital
Your future is digital
5 November, 2021
¿Por qué estudiar Fisioterapia? Claves para ayudarte a elegir este grado
Why to study physiotherapy? Keys to help you choose this degree.
12 November, 2021
Tu futuro es digital
Your future is digital
5 November, 2021
¿Por qué estudiar Fisioterapia? Claves para ayudarte a elegir este grado
Why to study physiotherapy? Keys to help you choose this degree.
12 November, 2021

Cybersecurity, a profession with great potential

Regardless of the size and activity of the company, cyberattacks have turned into a general problem for the whole business fabric. Eighty per cent of companies will need to have a cybersecurity expert able to understand behaviour patterns of cybercriminals according to Noelia García in her recent article published at El Economista. Also, companies are obliged to take proactive measures on cybersecurity to meet data privacy requirements.

The problem is serious. The great amount of information and data we share in the Net exposes us to serious cybersecurity threats. In fact in the US each minute USD17,700 are lost in phishing attacks, this is, stealing passwords or credit card numbers copying emails from official bodies or organizations. Sixty three per cent of companies declare that their information was potentially compromised in the last year according to the Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report 2021 (DBIR) and the Internet Crime Report 2020 by the FBI.

Demand and shortage of cybersecurity professionals

Digital technologies come hand in hand with the challenge and need of an effective management of cybersecurity. “The new economic, technological and social context we find ourselves in requires digital leaders able to understand and bring about the change required by organizations” states Noelia García in her article.

Not only is there great demand of cybersecurity professionals but also an important shortage. Aside from the 0% unemployment rate mentioned in several studies on employability, it is also estimated that the cybersecurity workforce worldwide requires 145% increase according to The State of Cybersecurity Hiring de Burning Glass, as per the article.

Studying Cybersecurity at CEU

The Master in Cybersecurity Management of CEU San Pablo University , ranks first in its presence-based modality and third in the global Ranking of the best Master degrees in the Cybersecurity and IT Security area of the academic portal Mundoposgrado.

It offers the advantage of obtaining not only specific knowledge on cybercrime and cybersecurity but also the tools necessary to exercise the management or supervision duties of experts in such topics.

At the end of the Master in Cybersecurity Management the student will be able to work in any company, body or administration requesting legal positions with technological knowledge and technical experts with legal background to face the pros and cons of cybersecurity in security, legality and practical experience conditions.

At CEU Universities you will also find other Degrees, Masters and related programs with the Degree in Digital Law and Technological Innovation or Self-protection and IT Security. Further information on its academic offer here.