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29 January, 2021Guidelines to foster your creativity and improve your employability
5 February, 2021CEU Universities have a firm international vocation. Our aim is to eliminate the limits of boundaries for our graduates and that is why CEU university centres are among the most international in Spain and Europe. We offer programs easing the mobility of our students such as the Erasmus program in addition to several international conventions, the program Colgate University, the SICUE conventions, the project of Banco Santander or the Erasmus internships. Therefore, CEU students enjoy a full international experience during their studies. Also the academic offer includes bilingual degrees – an employability guarantee- and over 500 international conventions to apply for experiences in universities or companies worldwide.
Each CEU University has departments oriented only to internationalization. This way they offer information, guidance and support services both for students from other countries and for Spanish students who wish to academically develop abroad.
Internationalization at CEU San Pablo (Madrid)
From the admission of international students, the development of studies and internships abroad, the internships consortium Euniversitch-Spain, the Centre for Study Abroad, bilingual international programs (BIPs), the Language Centre, the projects for International Development Cooperation, the COIL…The international overview forms part of the DNA of the University CEU San Pablo. It is also one of the best Spanish universities according to THE World University Rankings 2021.
Department of International Relations (ORI for its Spanish initials) of CEU Cardenal Herrera (Valencia)
The Department of International Relations of CEU UCH has a team responsible of turning CEU Cardenal Herrera into an international university. They ease the paperwork for those students who wish to study at CEU and enjoy an academic experience by the Mediterranean. Either for a couple of months or for the whole degree, the ORI constantly looks for new learning opportunities as well as for the most enriching international experiences. But this is not only for students, it is also for teachers and researchers and of course for visiting students.
Department of International Relations of CEU Abat Oliba (Barcelona)
With over 100 conventions with prestigious European universities in Europe, America and Oceania, the CEU UAO offers bilingual degrees, international mobility programs, international internships, study visits and Study Abroad programs. With all these options the intention is to offer an international academic experience to turn CEU students into successful professionals able to unfold in multicultural environments.
For foreign students, Spain is one of the most desired destinations. In addition to studying in the greatest Spanish educational group with over 85 years of history and notable academic prestige, this is the best way to expand horizons, improve your education and employability.