Olesia Bespalova, Ukrainian university student at CEU: “I want to find a good job to help my country”
19 July, 2022CEU invests in talent development
26 July, 2022Every year thousands of students decide their professional future by choosing their university studies. For this decision in which vocation and personal preferences have considerable importance it is also convenient to inform ourselves about professional opportunities offered by each degree. According the last Survey on Labour Insertion of University Graduates by the National Institute of Statistics, professions with greater labour insertion are those within the branch of Engineering and Architecture (4.4% of unemployment rate). On the opposite we find Arts and Humanities careers (13.4% of unemployment rate).
In view of this imbalance with respect to labour insertion of Spanish graduates and to improve this index, Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU has launched CEU Emplea. It is a space for knowledge and transversal collaboration at all academic stages for the development of different initiatives in order to increase employability of Spanish students in general and those of CEU in particular.
CEU Emplea will offer objective information to assist in the decision within the scope of education always from the employability point of view. It also attempts to serve as meeting point between all interested parties and this way being more capable of influencing in the adaptation of the academic offer. At the same time the connection university-company will be more fluent which will help youngsters in their access to their labour world.
To this end CEU promotes listening to all groups of interest such as companies, students, families and institutions to incorporate all those approaches to the analysis. That way they will launch specific initiatives to serve in the real improvement of employability either transversally or focused. All findings and knowledge are published at the Web of CEU Emplea launched this week and where any objective and constructive contribution will have its place.
In the new Web there are reports available about the labour market prepared by different institutions as well as the different initiatives launched by CEU in the last years such as the Innovation Week, the Counselling Board on Employability, articles on hot topics on labour insertion or the necessary transversal skills of those who access their first job. To sum up, a whole catalogue of contents on employability of the youngest generations.