CEU Universities among the first 600 worldwide
20 September, 2021CEU Digital, a commitment with specialized education in all educational and professional stages
5 October, 2021To make as comfortable and easy as possible the arrival of international students to the university, CEU Universities make available for you a series of welcoming services that we have called Hospitality.
Hospitality in CEU UCH
Universidad CEU San Pablo Cardenal Herrera, UCH receives students from over 90 different nationalities that share experiences and spaces in its campus of Valencia, Elche and Castellón.
These are some of the hospitality services for international students:
- Management of accommodation. The University helps them in the search of accommodation; rooms at university residences, flats to share or for themselves both in Valencia and around campus…
- SIM Card. They are given a pre-payment SIM card for calls and Internet from their arrival to Valencia and for the first months.
- Opening of a bank account in Spain. They are offered the possibility of opening a bank account free of charge with Banco Santander in its office at campus.
- Management of Credentials and Homologation: To enrol in a Spanish university, international students have to obtain a document certifying the validity of their High School studies in their country of origin. This document is a Credential for European Students and other countries with agreements and an Homologation for the rest.
- Management of the residence permit. University was also in charge of the management of the documentation necessary to legally reside in Spain: the Foreign ID, Foreign Identification Number or the
- Pick up and accommodation for the first night.
- Language courses. Since their enrolment, students will have access to an online platform to learn and practice Spanish (or another language if Spanish is their mother tongue). They may also participate in a classroom Spanish course during the summer organized at different levels to allow each student prepare at their own pace for the beginning of the year. In addition to Spanish courses during the year.
- Transport. When they arrive they are given a card to move around by bus, metro o tramway during their first days in Valencia.
- Optional medical insurance. Students may also have access to a private insurance with CIGNA with full medical coverage during their year in Spain.
Hospitality in CEU USP
Universidad CEU San Pablo in Madrid also offers international students a package of services to make their arrival to Spain and incorporation to University as easy and comfortable as possible.
The Service of Admissions and New Students will assist you at all times helping you with proceedings in your country, contracting of services in Madrid (bank, medical assistance, etc.) and solving doubts and issues that can arise during the year.
- Homologation of Documentation. The University helps international students during the admission process so that the differences of educational systems do not represent a problem and they can proceed to the homologation of the documentation according to the Spanish system.
- Transport card. Ask for your transport card to start knowing each corner of Madrid from your arrival using the broad public transport network of the Community.
- Documentation for visa. If students need to ask for a student visa, University sends via courier its admission letter.
- Bank account. The Admissions and New International Student Service offers to manage the opening of a bank account at Banco Santander.
- International student card. As international student of Universidad CEU San Pablo, the student receives the International Student Identity Card. With this card you will have discounts in big firms, leisure, culture, accommodation, mobile phone, transports, restaurants and education.
- SIM phone card. This service manages a telephone card for students with Spanish number.
- Foreign identity document. Students are assisted in the process for the request of its Foreign Identity Number and the card (NIE and TIE), necessary to study in Madrid.
- Spanish courses. Universidad CEU San Pablo offers an online 30-hour Spanish course for all international students before starting lessons as well as courses throughout the year.
Hospitality in CEU UAO
Universitat Abat Oliba CEU in Barcelona makes available for all international students a full package of hospitality services:
- Documentation for personal identification:They help them manage all documentation for personal identification necessary to reside in Spain (NIE, visa, census, etc.).
- Management of the necessary document for the enrolment: the University manages all international academic documentation both if it is the credential of the UNED and the homologation of pre-university or university degrees of the country of origin.
- Management of accommodation:support and assistance in the search of accommodation in Barcelona either in university residences or shared or individual student apartments.
- Medical card/social security:They help with the registration at the relevant medical centre (CAP).
- Personal proceedings:they are advised in the contracting of mobile phones, transport cards and opening of bank accounts as well as in the issuance of the Youth Card for under-25 which gives access to discounts in transports, libraries, cinemas and leisure activities.
- Support and management for the request of official scholarships: Equitat – Agaur, general scholarships and any other sort of State scholarships.
- Full coverage medical insurance oriented to cover all needs during their stay in our country.