The value of being an international university
6 August, 2019CEU Universities, three innovative ecosystems
29 August, 2019Just as each year we are looking forward to welcoming our international students that will stay with us for the term or the whole year at our universities. These new members of our community will land in Barcelona, Madrid or Valencia from different continents thanks to CEU’s broad network of agreements and international programs. It is important that, from their first day, they feel that they are an important part of the life at campus and of all the opportunities offered by the fact of studying at CEU. Therefore each of our three universities prepares an exhaustive welcome program.
In Madrid, Universidad CEU San Pablo, will welcome new students with the traditional International Party on September 2nd at the Aula Magna of the Campus of Montepríncipe.
On September 3rd it will take place the welcome program “Internacional Exchange Students”. Iñaki Bilbao Estrada, Vice-Dean of International Relations will present CEU to these new students and on September 3rd, 4th and 5th academic programs will be presented at the different Faculties.
Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera has organized different activities to welcome and embrace new international students at its Campus of Valencia, Elche and Castellón.
The University has designed a whole personalized welcome plan for each student to discover what the CEU is going to make available for them as well as to know the offer of their new university at an academic, cultural and leisure extent or knowing their new colleagues through the different activities.
On September 5th and 6th classes at Elche and Castellón campuses will start with the presentation of each subject. Each professor will present the syllabus and the approach to the subject.
These same days we will host the Fair of Activities with the presentation of the different University clubs (theatre, sports, music, debate, solidarity…).
On September 3rd Erasmus students will experiment their first “CEU day” at Valencia’s campus. New international students will go to the campus on September 4th. The University has prepared for them a special program for that day.
On September 5th and 6th classes will start with the presentation of each subject as in Elche and Castellón and the Fair of Activities will also be hosted.
Normally on Saturdays there are no activities at the University but Saturday 7th is special. For these students to be able to share experiences with new friends from University we will prepare an afternoon at the beach.
In turn, the International Office of Universitat Abat Oliba CEU organizes the so called ‘Welcome Session’. During the day, the newcomers receive a welcome and information message to make the most of their life at Bellesguard and the rest of the city of Barcelona. Group activities are also prepared to boost socialization between these exchange students.
A cultural visit to the city of Barcelona is also programmed. This is a way to establish the first contact with what will be their city for the next months.