Investigating the challenge of ethics and technology
10 December, 2018Farewell Day: our international students say farewell to the University
13 December, 2018The Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Universidad San Pablo CEU, Gonzalo Herradón, has presented at the Congress Neuroscience 2018 the most recent results of the investigations developed by the Pharmacology Group.
This forum promoted by Society for Neuroscience has taken place in San Diego (USA) between 3rd and 7th November. The participation of Herradón is a clear example of the commitment of CEU Universities to investigation and internationalization. The role of the university is essential for the progress of science so investing the work of our investigators is a crucial commitment with society and academic excellence. To this we add the multiple opportunities to learn and develop professionally provided by the collaboration of our universities with foreign companies.
A key congress in the International investigation overview
The congress counted thirty thousand attendants working worldwide in all fields of neuroscience.
In this unique framework, Herradón presented the latest data of his laboratory about Parkinson disease. These results have been obtained within the State R&D&I project focused on the challenges of the society of which he is also Principal Investigator along with the Biochemistry Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy Pilar Ramos.
Since a couple of years ago the group of Professor Herradón has focused on the investigation of the possible role of pleiotrophin in Parkinson. This protein is found over-expressed in affected brain areas of people suffering from this disease.
With this purpose, the group carried out an animal model of Parkinson in transgenic mice over-expressing pleiotrophin in brain cells. Results show that the over-expression of this protein in the brain protects these mice from the loss of dopamine brain cells, a feature of Parkinson disease and limits neuro-inflammation associated to this pathology.
Moreover within the section of drug abuse and addictions, Professor Herradón presented the latest data of his laboratory on alcoholism. They have been obtained within the project of the National Drugs Plan (PNSD), of which he is Principal Investigator.
The group of Professor Herradón and the group for the design and synthesis of drugs of the Professors of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Beatriz de Pascual-Teresa and Ana Ramos, have collaborated to develop the design, synthesis and assessment of new compounds for the treatment of alcoholism.
Moreover Professor Herradón informed on the latest data obtained with the leading compound, MY10 which seem highly promising. In this preclinical trials, MY10 has revealed itself efficient in the reduction of excessive alcohol consumption and of addictive effects of this drug in animal models, by a new mechanism of action, the blockage of phosphate activity of RPTPβ/ζ receptor.