«We are essential» a social project to give most valuable stories a voice.
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30 October, 2019The conclusions of the project published in the scientific magazine Communication & Sport resulted from the collaboration between investigators of the Grupo en Comunicación y Discapacidad (GIDYC) and the Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, Josep Solves and Inmaculada Rius along with Athanasios Pappous and Geoffery Zain Kohe of the School of Sport and Exercise Science of the University of Kent (United Kingdom).
A thorough analysis of the media coverage of the Paralympic Games
The purpose of this study has been to analyse the coverage by Spanish media of the Paralympic Games andtherefore they have prepared a comparison between Beijing and London Games. It has investigated the reasons why broadcast has not increased from one to the other. As mentioned by Professor Solves, main investigator of the Group GIDYC of CEU UCH, “as main international event for sportspeople with disability, the analysis of the coverage of Paralympic Games is relevant to determine the role of media in the inclusion of this theme in the media agenda and in its social visibility”.
We have analysed the contents of over 800 data and images of the twelve most important Spanish newspapers including popular and sports press. Therefore we have used quantitative and qualitative methodologies applying the framing theory. We have also conducted thorough interviews to fifteen Spaniards who worked in the coverage of both events.
According to Inmaculada Rius, professor of the CEU UCH and co-author of the study “we have applied this two-fold methodology because only numeric data cannot offer an accurate perspective of the news generating process, the newsmaking, to which complexity we add in this case that of the appropriate treatment of the Paralympic theme and its correct framing”.
Lower coverage in London
As it has been concluded following the analysis, the space given by the Spanish general press to Paralympic Games is either maintained or reduced. In turn, with sport press something similar happens ignoring the impact as a consequence of sponsorship actions.
According to researchers the reasons for this have to do with the coverage difficulties and the difficulties of journalists to contact with athletes in London, which were greater than in Beijing. The restriction of access of media and the distance between headquarters in London OOGG as well as the time difference with Beijing which provided enough time to prepare contents explain these results. Moreover, the economic crisis was also reflected in the coverage of the games.
The weight of editorial decisions
To the previous aspects we have to add, according to CEU CH and Kent investigators, editorial decisions. The distribution of the space and type of contents requested to journalists in charge of covering the event is key: “Our prior studies already show that in the case of Paralympic Games, the media give priority to the stories of athletes over their results and medals, an information content which is more complex to prepare and requires more production time” explains Professor Rius.
On the other hand, according to Professor Solves “to better analyse this variable we will need new studies which delve into the decisions made by editors, chief editors and chiefs of section and also in the influence of the general media agenda with respect to the visibility of people with disability both in sports and in other sections and themes”.
The presence of inclusive sports in media, object of analysis by the Group GIDYC
This investigation group embedded within the Institute ODISEAS of the CEU UCH is devoted to the Observation of Disability and Disease of Social Accessibility. The Institute directed by Professor Solves coordinates all investigators of the Valencian University who work in these issues as well as in fields related to health sciences, social sciences, education and technology. The intention is to offer a multidisciplinary perspective and a collaborative approach.
This outstanding analysis is a good example of the importance of academic research in CEU Universities. Its stimulus is essential for University centres to participate in the progress of science and investigation as well as in the drive of social and economic changes. The purpose is to collaborate in the development of the society and work for the common good as established by the principles of the Asociación Católica de Propagandistas.