Keys to manage better your study hours

Universidad CEU San Pablo hosts the Employment Forum with the attendance of over 80 companies
17 November, 2022
From Soft to Human Skills
28 November, 2022
Universidad CEU San Pablo hosts the Employment Forum with the attendance of over 80 companies
17 November, 2022
From Soft to Human Skills
28 November, 2022

Keys to manage better your study hours

Now that the so feared exam period is getting closer, Juana María Sánchez Aniorte, from the CEU Service of University Orientation in Elche, offers 7 tips to improve graduates’ performance.

The first thing to be taken into account by a student, says Juana, is to be realistic. “A plan has to adjust to your availability. Being realistic with your planning involves considering several aspects. Every day we have different energy levels” Therefore it is essential that students know their daily performance and productivity and adapts them to real needs. “Also it has to consider contingencies and schedule the time to solve them”.

Secondly management of time has necessarily to define weekly and monthly objectives. It is essential to dedicate half an hour to organize the week. “Sit in front of you weekly calendar, weekly schedule or agenda and define your monthly and weekly objectives. Taking into consideration that they have to be: Specific, Measurable, Reachable, Realistic and Temporary”.

Prioritize and rest

As the third key, Juana recommends the distribution of duties depending in their difficulty. In this sense it is appropriate to prioritize tasks “and distribute them considering the following factors: Deadline of work/exam, priority according to importance, personal energy and time available”. Therefore you can apply Eisenhower Matrix: IMPORTANT-URGENT. And she suggests following a scheme offering good results. First, doing now what is urgent and important. “You have to give them priority and do them as soon as possible”. Then, decide what is important but not urgent. “Look for a free moment in your agenda/schedule to do that task”. Then, delegate what is urgent but not important. “Look for someone you can help you with these things or do them for you or program them for after doing those of the previous quadrants”. Finally, eliminate what is not urgent or important.

As fourth tip to manage time, this expert defends making stops to make the most of time.

Planning and avoiding distractions

Finally it is advised to avoid distractions that take up our time, declares Juana. Therefore, it is appropriate to identify both internal distractions and external. The first ones are thoughts, conflicts, concerns or personal problems that avoid our concentration when studying. “Identify them, write them down on a paper and leave them aside during the session remaining active and focusing attention on the task. They are also barriers or blocakges that we have in certain subjects”. As per external factors, Juana proposes avoiding an excess of information and filtering the information received by the student. “Leave social media aside during your study. Avoid looking at your mobile not even Web pages that can take time from study and deviate your attention. Be assertive and say No. Establish your priorities”, she says.

The next tip that improves productivity of students is to establish a study schedule. Finally, experts consider that to improve the management of time it is best to plan and incorporate small revisions in all sessions of the topics studied.