New edition of the USP Marketing Project “Living internationalization”
5 March, 2020
CEU UCH Professor visits Paris with the Network for Research in Vascular Ageing Biomarkers.
13 March, 2020CEU Universities are centres focused on the education of successful professionals but also of citizens with values willing to change the world for the better. For this reason, solidarity is highly present at CEU university centres through volunteer work. Taking part in different projects and regular activities during the year, our students can make their valuable contribution to the society as well as continue their education.
An enriching and solidary experience
In the words of our students who have had a solidary experience, volunteer work represents another way of looking at life. It is a contribution always in our power to improve the world and help others and it is always a highly rewarding experience.
Moreover it helps us gain skills and abilities very useful for life and improve employability. Therefore, social volunteer actions – both in the international and national territory- and of cooperation to development are constant at the different Universities. In collaboration with third-sector organizations we work to offer our help to people in need. Because in CEU we know that only a caring person can turn into the best possible professional.
USP: Because the University is also solidarity
Past February, within the framework of inter-university collaboration with Makeni University started in 2009, students, professors and collaborators of CEU San Pablo travelled to Sierra Leona. There they have worked to improve the life conditions of quarters and villages and the access to drinking water and sanitation of schools. They have also donated incubators to two hospitals, a 3D printer to the University, they have worked to support a network of collaborative commerce Makeni-Madrid and the health team has developed four programs (cervical cancer, reconstruction surgery campaign, breast cancer and physiotherapy). Also, Arts students have prepared the resources and documentation of actions. Without doubt, it has been an example of team and interdisciplinary work.
UCH: Vets for Africa
A group formed by 14 students and professors of the Faculty of Veterinary of CEU Cardenal Herrera is already in Malawi to continue with the project Vets for Africa started 9 years ago. The aim is to improve the nutritional condition and food safety of population. Education of the little ones in healthy habits is essential. Moreover, we work with animal health to improve the genetics of caprine and bovine population. They also look for new resources to diversify subsistence methodologies.
UAO: Hope and Charity Mission
A group of students and professors of Abat Oliba along with colleagues from the rest of CEU Universities have taken part last January in a visit to Palermo within the context of this inter-university project. The goal: enjoying the experience of forming part of the Hope and Charity Mission, a Church organization that has been helping for years people living in poverty and distress.
CEU Universities belonging to the Asociación Católica de Propagandistas (ACdP) have solidarity in their DNA. Therefore the work for the common good is so integrated in the education and daily life of our students.