Studying Digital Marketing at CEU and UCLA University
23 March, 2023International Week at the Faculty of Economics
27 March, 2023Within the framework of our new Degree FUTURO, students of Universidad CEU San Pablo, USP, have taken part in a Hackathon held at the premises of the telecommunications company Vodafone.
In this activity students have worked on Agile and Digital Culture. An encounter that has counted with the participation of the Rector of the University, Rosa Visiedo, accompanied by the Vice-Rector of Students and University Life, Ángel Bartolomé; the coordinator of the Degree, Sonia Martín; and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences, Ricardo Palomo, among other USP professionals.
Degree in skills FUTURO
But…what is FUTURO? The comprehensive education of students is one of CEU’s cornerstones and main objective. FUTURO is aimed at easing the development of skills and values of students making them aware of their responsibility as transforming agents and increasing their capacity to answer to the challenges and demands of the actual society such as digital revolution or sustainability.
In this sense, they will receive the necessary education in self-knowledge, communication and strategic vision tools. Also they will have the most innovative contents and keys with respect to digital culture and sustainability thanks to different alliances with companies representing different sectors such as Vodafone, Adecco, Acciona, Forética and a long etc.
This Degree is addressed to all University students from any degree without additional cost with a mixed methodology (online and face-to-face), individual and group monitoring through CEU mentors and teachers certified by CCL methodology.
The main teaching resources of this Degree are formed by online specific sessions, Master Classes, Face-to-face events, continued collaboration with Alumni and professionals of reference and initiatives and activities of the University and the Vice-Rectorate of Students and University Life. Students completing the degree will receive a diploma.
Program on Transforming skills
On the other hand we remind you that Universidad CEU San Pablo has also a Transforming Skills Program specifically designed for Post-graduate students which objective is to streamline students’ employability for them to successfully face the challenges of this Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous World (VUCA).
This academic program is organized through eight skills: Self-knowledge, communication, teamwork, innovation, solidarity, entrepreneurship, growth and leadership.
The essential idea serving as grounds for this program is the mobilization of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values through a reflection, anticipation and action process. Education is provided following an eminently practical methodology and related to the real world. It is based on a mixture of practical and dynamic activities, theoretical models, self-assessment and feedback between equals and spaces for reflection. Students have a mentor specialized in leadership who helps them and guides them during the educational process with different active didactic techniques.