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15 October, 2018University CEU San Pablo in collaboration with Santander Universidades and Telepizza has hosted the opening ceremony of the new era of the CEU Entrepreneurship Club. It is an initiative which seeks to encourage entrepreneurship between graduates of all University Faculties hand in hand with students and alumni.
During the act, the Vice-Dean of Students and University Community Services, Mª Isabel Abradelo, has highlighted that entrepreneurship “is a transversal bet of the University on all areas of expertise” and has stressed that all students of the 5 Faculties and the Higher Polytechnic School are invited to take part in the Club. In this line, she encouraged students to develop the necessary skills for them to be more competitive in their professional careers.
Undertaking to improve society
Following a brief introduction of the student and President of the CEU Entrepreneurship Club, Alicia Muñoz de la Nava, the CEU alumni and co-founder of EMOV, Ignacio Román Virseda, has stressed that undertaking “is related to the person’s life style, to somebody’s non-conformism who does not wish to end up in a monotonous work and asks itself what can be done to improve society”.
Moreover, this alumni for whom “new technologies have turned undertaking more democratic” has recommended youngsters to “study the market in depth before heading for the adventure of undertaking and to take de advice from initiatives such as this CEU Entrepreneurship Club”.
After the opening of Virseda a round table was organized aimed at breaking down the prejudices towards university entrepreneurship with the attendance of the founder of MARCO ALDANY, Alejandro Fernández Luengo; the co-founder and managing director of AUARA, Antonio Espinosa; the founding partner of FINDASENSE, Rafael Tamames; and the co-founder of CAFÉ LEATHER SUPPLY, Kiko Requena Búa.
During the day, more than 30 companies, all of them created by CEU alumni, have exhibited their stands in the premises of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences for the attendants to know the company, compare products and even work for them as some of them offered several vacancies.
About the CEU Entrepreneurship Club
The CEU Entrepreneurship Club is an initiative seeking the activation of entrepreneurship and counselling of students and alumni of the University through different activities such as workshops, conferences, events, meetings and programs which allow them to develop the necessary skills to act properly in the corporate environment.
Among its activities we find the organization of speeches/conferences on topics of interest; training with specific tools; and the development of programs sustained over time as well as challenges to project the innovative nature of its members.
Throughout the academic year a series of meetings between startups will be held to carry out a “coworking” exercise. In addition, an agenda of events will be designed to encourage its members to immerse in the corporate environment as well as to work in “networking”. By the end of January 2019 the “Week of innovation and undertaking” will be hosted.