Advantages of international mobility
19 October, 2021The importance of education in transforming skills for the employability of youngsters
26 October, 2021Over 80 companies have gathered at the Employment Forum of the Campus de Moncloa hosted by the Department of Professional Careers. A unique employability experience held both online and in person specially conceived for last-year students, postgraduate and alumni who have been able to know the professional opportunities of the main law firms, corporations, large consumption companies and communication and media agencies. Also they have had the possibility of knowing the main challenges of the future of the labour market as well as the competences and skills most demanded by organizations in a digital transformation context.
Of the 83 participants, 40 have held a presentation event of the company, the practical and employment opportunities and up to 100 recruitment processes. Each of the companies have created a chat during the whole day for students to contact and speak with recruiters while the latter have been able to invite to a video chat those candidates who could better adjust the offer.
The dean, Rosa Visiedo, has inaugurated this forum in person at the Conference Room of the Campus of Moncloa. Then, there has been a round table chaired by the General Management Advisor of the University, Rodrigo Martín, and formed by Alexandra Hernández, Director of Talent of Santander Universidades and Universia España; Blanca Domínguez, Marketing Manager Spain at Lee Hecht Harrison; and Francisco Silván, partner at EY Abogados. Under the title “Keys to build your professional future” speakers have advised and encouraged students to face with enthusiasm and optimism their incorporation to the labour market and have shared their professional experience.
Blanca Domínguez, alumni of the University has emphasized the importance of the institution: “CEU services, especially those of the Career Centre have been the ones that have helped me find my job. I encourage you to make the most of all facilities offered even as alumni. I believe that there is a perfect candidate for each position and these services are the path to find it”.
Among the companies that have taken part in the virtual Forum of Employment: Abanca, Abante, AbInBev, Acciona, Allen&Overy, Andersen, Apache, Asociación de la Prensa de Madrid, AstraZeneca, Atrevia, Axa, Baker McKenzie, Banijay Iberia, Bankinter, BCW Moving People, Biogen, BIP Here To Dare, Broseta, BYG mucho más que talento, CBRE, Ceca Magán Abogados, CEU Escuela Internacional de Doctorado, Celonis, Clifford Chance,, Cuatrecasas, Deloitte, Detons, Deutsche Bank, ECIJA, EuropaPress, Evolution, EY Building a better working world, Farlabo, Ogilvy, Ontier, Operbank, Opinator, Optimissa Capital Markets Cunsulting, Pérez-Llorca, Publicis Groupe, PWC, RocaJunyent, S2 Grupo, Santalucía Seguros, SilverStorm, Taco Bell, Unilever, Jobteaser,, KPMG, Lener, Llyc, LVMH, ManpowerGroup, Mazars, Mediaset España, Metyis, Monereo Meyer Abogados, Nationale Nederlanden, Ford, Freshfields, Garrigues, Gómez-Acebo & Pombo, Grant Thornton, Gran Vía Detectives Privados, Secuoya Grupo de Comunicación, Guardia Civil, HAVAS Group, Hogan Lovells, IBM and MB.