Experience the Camino de Santiago with CEU
17 August, 2021Do you come from abroad and wish to book your place in any of the CEU Universities? Below we explain you how
23 August, 2021Which skills are taken into account in corporate recruitment processes? Until recently they focused on hard skills which refer to technical knowledge but soft skills are gaining ever more importance and it has been observed that they are essential.
The term soft skills refers to features and skills we all have and that show how we relate to others through interpersonal skills, social skills and methodological skills. Skills define the capacity of professionals to unfold in everyday activities and are the combination of four elements:
- Having the knowledge: knowledge.
- Knowing how to do it: abilities.
- Being able to do it: skills.
- Wanting to do it: attitude.
Soft skills are difficult to quantify although there role is crucial in many corporate environments. To ease this match, job search platforms such as LinkedIn help companies search candidates depending on their skills.
CEU Universities wish their graduates to be able to face with guarantees the challenges of employability. Therefore they have developed their own model to certify transversal skills increasingly demanded by companies. Therefore, students make the most of the University stage to acquire, practice and certify such skills.
What is a badge?
A digital badge acknowledges and certifies a skill or knowledge learned and provides visibility to the profile when searching an employment. It provides security to the employer who with only one click can see the experiences supporting these skills.
CEU Universities are fitted with technology for the students to acquire, practice and certify skills carrying out activities during the degree. Also, they will be displayed directly in LinkedIn’s profile.
How is it possible to obtain these certified badges?
They are obtained by taking part in different activities. For example, when taking part in a Communication Workshop you obtain communication, self-awareness and team work badges and the fact of being a Students’ representative involves leadership badges.
When finishing the degree you can certify the badges obtained during the degree. Once the account has been created you can incorporate these badges which can make the difference in your professional digital profile.