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2 September, 2022The specialized magazine Animals Health picked up the news about the Faculty of Veterinary of Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera and its renowned research duty. This journal states that “Spanish vets progress in the fight against Q fever” referring to the team of researchers of the Faculty of Veterinary of CEU UCH providing counsel to the Council of Communities of Castilla-La Mancha in the preparation of its Surveillance and Control Plan of this zoonotic disease.
In fact, more than one year ago a work team of the Faculty of Veterinary of Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera (UCH CEU) was created coordinated by Professor Ángel Gómez Martín, aimed at progressing in the fight against Q fever.
Latest information of the National Centre of Epidemiology of the Health Institute Carlos III shows that in Spain a total of 404 cases of Q fever in humans per every 100,000 inhabitants were reported although in the Community of Valencia this ratio is lower: 10 cases per every 100,000.
This team led by Ángel Gómez, main researcher of the Research Group of Microbiological Agents associated to Animal Reproduction (ProVaginBIO) of UCH-CEU is formed by CEU UCH professors Jesús Gomis Almendro of Grupo ProVaginBIO and Juan José Quereda Torres, Ramón y Cajal researcher and responsible of the Research Group of Intracellular Pathogens. It also forms part of the team Antonio Contreras de Vera, Professors of the Animal healthcare Department of Universidad de Murcia.
The intention of this research line is to continue reinforcing and progressing towards healthcare excellence of the Spanish livestock sector which as stated by the members of this team in the aforementioned publication is at the avant-guard at an international level in the export of quality and food safety products.
Within this framework the Vet Raquel Toledo Perona, is developing its dissertation at CEU Escuela Internacional de Doctorado (CEINDO), thanks to the pre-doctoral thesis CEU/Banco Santander of which it is a beneficiary and to a R&D&i with the corporation CEVA Santé Animale.
CEINDO is the International School of PhD and embeds research groups formed by PhDs with proven research experience. Its immediate purpose is to consolidate a network of researchers of international projection.
Raquel Toledo dissertation tries to progress in the epidemiologic study of Q fever, dealing with the reproductive impact in rumiants as well as improving disease control and prevention strategies.
The only private faculty in Spain and Europe certified by EAEVE
CEU UCH Faculty of Veterinary has overcome the two EAEVE assessment standards and therefore it has been granted the “Full Acreditation”/European quality high-level Certificate.
Among the one hundred Faculties of Veterinary in Europe only 17 have this level of quality certificate and in Spain this level has only been awarded to our Faculty and that of Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Being recognised by EAEVE means that vet studies taught at our Faculty meet the most demanding quality standards established by the EU Committee of Education.
CEU UCH Faculty of Veterinary is also a member of the IVSA (International Veterinary Student Association).