Reasons to study Law; a degree with great future
15 March, 2021Requirements to study in a Spanish university if you come from abroad
22 March, 2021At CEU Universities we reproduce professional environments for our students to prepare themselves in the best possible way for their future incorporation to the labour market. An education oriented to excellence, comprehensive development of the individual and employability is what distinguishes the university centres of the greatest Spanish private academic group. All within the learning by doing framework, a motivating approach according to which practical learning is present in lecture rooms from the first day thanks to the implementation of innovative methodologies and the guidance of a critical and dynamic teaching staff.
Technology; key in advanced learning spaces
In this preparation for the professional world, simulation is a very useful learning strategy. It is a process based on testing, making mistakes, corrections and further testing with which we prepare students in a practical and efficient manner so that when they join a professional team, they will do it optimally. Simulators can be applied to any area of knowledge and allow us to simulate all sorts of corporate processes. Therefore, at CEU universities’ premises there are TV sets, a university polyclinic, a room to analyse the stock market developments in real time, a physiotherapy service, a vet clinic… There are spaces for each degree for students to test themselves with the help of expert professors who are also working renowned professionals.
This way, students implement their ideas and improve their professional and social skills. They also gain the necessary experience to join the labour market with confidence and assurance. In case of Health Sciences, simulators and anatomic models are essential. Clinical simulation is presented depending on the objectives and to achieve them, they incorporate IT programs, simulators of tasks to learn diagnose and therapeutic techniques, anatomic models, robot simulators or actors acting as patients. Also, simulators can include multimedia elements for learning that will help students enjoy a 360-degree learning experience.
An active learning that puts students at the heart
Virtual practices are always based on the use of virtual reality or augmented reality systems. They are structured based on role-plays and resolution of conflicts inspired in real professional situations. Therefore, they emulate in a screen duties carried out in real life but without risks. This way, students assume an active role, building their own knowledge in an experimental process that leads to the exploration of a virtual world they themselves create.
Students feel attracted by what is new, challenges and discoveries. For this reason, learning in immersive environments is motivating, helps consolidate knowledge and develops skills in a very natural manner, improves reflexive thinking and helps to understand in a more significant manner complex theoretical concepts.