Online Education: instructions to hold videoconferences
11 May, 2020CEU San Pablo among the most innovative universities in Latin American
14 May, 2020Online education and telework have stirred up our daily life. And it seems that this studying and working methodology is here to stay. CEU Universities in their commitment to innovation have invested for years in the digitalization of their activity. This has been crucial for the quick adaptation after the closing of educational centres although education has been mainly in-class until now.
How to achieve maximum performance thanks to soft skills
Without doubt confinement is bringing about many news but also benefits when acquiring new skills or boosting others that we had already acquired. Within this context, soft skills or transversal skills have an essential role in distance education both from the point of view of students and teachers. Therefore, empathy, communication skills, team work and creativity are more necessary than ever both for online education and for the future professional performance:
Videoconferences or phone conversations, email, chats…technology makes it easy for us to keep connected but it is worth bearing in mind that we lose much of the information we have when we interact with people, such as body language. Therefore it is vital to have good listening skills and explain ourselves clearly either orally or in writing to have a fluent and univocal communication. This gains even more importance when we work with other people in one same project and we have to inform each other about its evolution.
It is a very valuable tool for life in general. Having the capacity to put ourselves in others place to understand it is extremely useful to improve team work and to understand the needs of others. Also, problems and conflict resolution through empathy is always positive, enriching and a learning opportunity.
Team Work
It is one of the most demanded soft skills by companies when recruiting. Knowing how to work in teams is an art that has to be encouraged from the first years of education. Teachers and students have to agree organizational models to work in a collaborative and coordinated manner based on communication, trust and commitment.
Creative thinking helps us solve problems and adapt to changes and find alternative resources. This last aspect is especially important when we face challenges to solve. Knowing the best tool to reach a certain result will help us find the optimal solution.
CEU Universities are committed to development of soft or transversal skills as a way to reach high employability of our students which reaches 95%. Also in this situation, we offer the support and supervision our students need to continue to year and finish it successfully. We also pay special attention to international students, a key element of our educational element.
Visit the sites of CEU Universities to obtain information about its educational offer, the ongoing admission process and know more about studying in Spain: