How to make the decision of studying a postgraduate in Spain?
11 January, 2021The duty of educating in health of healthcare professionals
20 January, 2021The 17 Objectives of Sustainable Development (OSD) set by the General Assembly of the United Nations in September 2015 within the framework of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development are an unavoidable commitment for all those organizations committed to society and the planet such as CEU. Because being sustainable and social is, above all, a real commitment that fits perfectly with the essence of the project of Fundación CEU focused on the education of elites that will lead the change to improve the world. For this reason and for the alignment with the Christian Humanism values that guide the academic activity of CEU Universities we are committed to work to eradicate poverty, to protect the planet and to improve all societies.
Educating responsible and committed professionals
CEU Universities are aimed at adding value to their community to then have a positive impact on society. From students to their families, the academic and non-academic team as well as the organizations we collaborate with. Our partners share values with CEU so our collaboration can only foster this process that starts with small actions and that grows with daily commitment.
Great part of the OSDs involve people directly. But not only the closest ones but also those people who live very different situations. Eradicating hunger and improving the quality of life of people cannot be achieved without a sustainable economy favouring all in the same extent and reducing differences. This is the only way to achieve a sound social progress. And to reach it, we know that the role of our students will be essential as they are professionally educated in the necessary skills, abilities and values to take part in an economic model respecting human rights including all citizens.
Research; the key to accomplish the OSDs
Promoting an economic change fostering equality and quality employment is crucial to achieve the OSDs from now until 2030. And this necessarily involves investing in research. This is one of the greatest priorities of CEU Universities, aware of the importance of the role of our centres in the production of knowledge and its transmission through teaching to our students and the society itself.
Therefore, in research groups, projects, institutes and observatories researches from all countries join efforts and talent. They seek to boost a global mind set, to promote social activism favouring equality and justice along with the generation of global research. The sum of individual and collective efforts is the key to sustainability. Caring for the planet is caring for the people who live in it.
Offering quality education is included in the fourth OSD. With education you can transform the lives and realities of people, reducing injustices and empowering people. At CEU we educate critical professionals with valuable knowledge and skills, open and tolerant and committed to the creation of a better world putting life at the centre.