CEU Talent and CEU Talent Plus: acknowledgement of 98 USP students for their excellent and thorough work
8 October, 2019«We are essential» a social project to give most valuable stories a voice.
23 October, 2019CEU Universities are committed to innovation, research and creation something that turns them into highly attractive centres both for national and international students. We pursue research as engine for the development of knowledge without losing sight of the importance of transferring it to society. Within this framework, Universities and Research Institutes rely on over 70 research projects now active with an investment of over 7 million euros. What is CEINDO?
The academic project of the CEU Doctoral International School (CEINDO) consists on the creation of a broad group of experts in different areas. At the same time, it has the intention of creating a network of researchers with an international vocation. For this purpose, it assembles different research groups formed by PhDs with experience in investigation.
CEU Universities also promote doctoral inter-university programs as well as the collaboration with other university institutions to ease the participation of relevant international projects
Personal tuition and quality doctoral education
CEINDO offers researchers interested the opportunity to join any of the groups of researchers already formed. Therefore they may participate offering their innovative knowledge taking part in the innovation of their area, helping to transmit to the society the fruits of their research and establishing relations with international research centres.
The assignment of tutors and directors is managed by the relevant Academic Commission. The first one shall be in charge of the first counselling and supervision; the second one shall direct the PhD thesis. Both of them shall validate the research plan to be delivered by the student before the end of the year subject to constant improvement throughout the program.
Promoting international mobility
The training of the researcher shall be as broad as possible and therefore CEINDO promotes national and international mobility offering scholarships periodically. Although international experiences are given priority, any mobility proposal is suitable for students.
Moreover CEU Universities offer orientation and support services for students on professional issues, international mobility options and relations with companies.
Research as key to transform society
CEU is working to promote research vocation knowing that they are crucial for social progress. Taking part in it is also one of the cornerstones of the educational model of our group focused also in the promotion of talent and support of innovation. CEU Universities have the objective of training professionals capable of transforming society and improve it on the grounds of Christian Human Values.
Therefore if you are passionate about research and you are thinking about starting a doctorate please check what CEU University centres have to offer: