The approach of CEU Universities towards the Objectives of Sustainable Development (OSD)
18 January, 2021Entrepreneurship and why is it necessary to promote it?
22 January, 2021The pandemic has emphasized that to achieve a solid healthcare system it is necessary to obtain the commitment of all citizens, professionals and the administration itself. Teamwork is essential especially in the event of potential outbreaks and similar situations in the future. Healthcare professionals work to adapt to the novelties brought by COVID-19 to keep offering the best care quality. But to achieve this common duty it is necessary to pay attention to health education.
For each patient to have sounder knowledge of its health and of this commitment it is necessary to educate in health from the first years. For healthcare professionals to base their practices in some clear humanistic values. Without doubt, CEU Universities are committed to this perspective, the one offering an educational model based on the promotion of Christian Humanism.
Educating in health: commitment with the patient and the society
Communication with patients has to be human, close, personal and show that both parties are involved in the same way. Educating in health involves educating citizens in healthy habits and it is closely related also to preventive medicine. Early diagnose is only possible with the access of the patient to a thorough knowledge of its disease and its treatment at home and daily life. Recognizing the signs of our body is essential to detect pathologies at an early stage.
Health professionals shall create learning opportunities leading to changes in habits towards a healthier life. This extends the traditional role of healthcare professionals that becomes essential to change society. Therefore, they have to motivate and help population adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles. They also have to work in the generation of changes in their environment easing such transition as well as studying and investigating.
To sum up, healthcare education orients to:
- Informing citizens about health and how to improve their situation.
- Promoting and motivating healthier habits among patients.
- Offering knowledge and attitudes to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- Promoting changes to the environment and society in general that can affect the health of people.
- Participating in the education and training of teachers.
- Investigating and constantly assessing to attain objectives with greater effectiveness.
But educating in health requires the acquisition of knowledge, skills and practices not only from students of healthcare careers but also from those who study Social Sciences; especially future teachers have to be trained in the prevention and promotion of health. Therefore it is necessary to educate at different levels, including degree and post-graduate education or specialization. CEU Universities offer a comprehensive academic offer in that sense both in degrees and masters.