We progress in the international research strategy
25 April, 2022
Over 200 undergraduates took part in the 18th International Congress of CEU UCH Students
3 May, 2022
We progress in the international research strategy
25 April, 2022
Over 200 undergraduates took part in the 18th International Congress of CEU UCH Students
3 May, 2022

«The labour market demands more transversal knowledge»

Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU is convinced that the key to boost employment relies on the alliance between University and companies. For this reason, it has just created the Advisory Employability Council formed by 13 top directors of some of the most representative companies from several sectors of activity (EFE agency, Airbus, BBVA, Cepsa, Deloitte, Garrigues, GSK, Ilunion, Mapfre, Microsoft, Randstad and Vodafone). They will be in charge of analysing and informing on the changing needs of the labour market.

These companies will draw attention to the profiles required by the labour market taking into consideration that we are living a time of deep and ongoing transformation. Also “we work with them to diagnose the improvements we have to make in study plans of careers and degrees. It is important to be realistic and to match the reality of our time. And thirdly, this council also has the vocation to point out which competences are required to students beyond their technical knowledge which is where the match is being played”, as explained in a recent interview to Javier Tello, Managing Director Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU.

The alliance between universities and companies, key to employability

In his opinion, employability depends a lot from the transversal knowledge in digital and financial aspects of students, from having teamwork skills, from leading them and having emotional intelligence, from critical thinking and above all “from insisting in education in values, such as excellence, commitment, self-demand, empathic relationship with the environment…”

In order to prepare these new professional profiles that companies are demanding, CEU has created in the last five years nearly a dozen official degrees; many of them connected with new technologies in traditional areas such as healthcare.

Also it is worth noting its offer in own degrees (more than twenty) in all scopes highly related to the world of finances, crypto-assets, business intelligence, legal scope, taxation, healthcare, etc.

The Advisory Employability Council will assist CEU to build its academic offer, both in technical aspects and in transversal skills and it will also contribute to the evolution of collaboration models beyond a strict internship agreement; other formats such as an approach to a certain dual education, participation of company professionals on the teaching side of such degree, virtual movement of students to tax headquarters of companies, the development of projects in new work formats…

According to Javier Tello, professional internships continue being one of the most efficient tools for employability of undergraduates. “It is the showroom where finally the company and university meet through the students. There may still be a very positive influence of companies and university. However, as explained by the companies of the council, richer and varied internship models are being demanded.