How is Spain responding to the healthcare crisis?
21 April, 202010 reasons to study in Spain
28 April, 2020The closing of educational centres as a measure to mitigate the expansion of coronavirus has been a litmus test for the whole sector. In very little time it has had to reorganize classes, adapt syllabus designing a Work Plan and optimize digital tools. Many of these were already in use at CEU for several years within the framework of an educational model oriented to excellence and the future of our over 24 thousand students – grade and postgraduate; national and international- in the spotlight. Therefore this exceptional situation has not represented a problem for our university centres.
CEU Universities are clearly committed to digitalization, to the development of digital skills and the use of CTs. All this investment in devices, software and training has smoothen the transition both for students and teachers. A good example of this innovative vision of CEU is the alliance with Microsoft.
#CerradosPeroAbiertos: technology as basis of CEU Universities’ culture of innovation
The use of Intranet to ease information, warnings and notices has been offered already for several years. Without doubt it is an essential tool for any 21st century educational centre. Also, in this context, the Blackboard Platform has had much importance but we know that being innovative is not a matter of tools but rather of attitude. Therefore we continue boosting the use of tools rather than attitude. Therefore we continue boosting the use of tools as follows:
- Alexa assistant: CEU digital assistant is still useful for CEU-UCH students. They are the first ones worldwide using a bilingual virtual assistant in Spanish and English available 24 hours, 365 days a year.
- Virtual campus: through the LMS platform (Learning Management System) such as the already mentioned Blackboard to which we add Blackboard Collaborate Ultra functionalities — this last one used by CEU San Pablo— we configure this tool key for training actions. It was already used as a complement to in-house classes so the change has been simple. It allows online tutoring sessions through chats and mails, access to audiovisual material shared by teachers, simulating exams, doing exercises, visualizing classes that have been recorded or in streaming…Without doubt, versatility is maximal. Also the possibility of having access from any device helps students do their homework when and where they need it.
- Teams: This collaborative tool of the Microsoft environment eases distance teamwork as well as the development of practical sessions and some classes. It boosts cooperation and communication and encourages participation of students who access remotely.
To this we have to add, as happened already, that CEU Universities’ students have a Microsoft 365 environment to develop their daily work as well as email and telephone connections with their centres. Without doubt, COVID-19 crisis is boosting a change of paradigm in University education already forged with the integration of technologies in daily life. We are permanently in touch and this certainly affects teaching and learning.
Admission processes are still active
Thanks to the use of technologies, CEU Universities open their admission processes normally as well as their open days, virtually in this case:
- CEU USP: After the open day it has started admission exams. The whole schedule of the process, here.
- CEU UCH: the international degree admission is already open as well as the rest of graduates, postgraduates, PhDs and education cycles.
- CEU UAO: 25th April, open-day. Admission process already open.
CEU Universities are making their best efforts for all students, especially international, not to lose the time and effort made during the year. With the collaboration and association of all educational community we are positive that we will make it.