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4 January, 2022Job insecurity, late access to some opportunities and little optimistic prospects about the future of our generational replacement have to be approached from training and comprehensive education. An education that has changed in the last 10 years and that is ready to change every year.
Which are the great challenges Universities will have to face? Many…The Rector of Universidad CEU San Pablo, Rosa Visedo, has chosen three of them:
- Teaching innovation: “Students that come to our classes are not like ten-years-ago students. They are different because they have a different way to connect, learn and consume contents. Universities have to adapt and approach their way to learn”.
If today’s students are not like those 10 years ago, future students will have nothing to do with those of today. CEU Universities have started to walk this path with innovative programs such as Exploria, which is a learning program that creates a universe for teachers and pupils. It is about teaching by skills to awake motivation. Boosting the subjects of the humanistic profile as well as subjects which form part of the CV of each of the degrees and leaving aside the format of individual subjects without connections between them.
Innovation initiatives to raise students without loosing the humanistic perspective and teach values.
- ·Internationalization of universities. “We must make an effort to appear as an attractive option for students from other countries and compete with universities with great tradition”.
Therefore, CEU started its internationalization years ago and in some faculties 30% of students are international.
- ·Employability of students: “Along with teaching, research and transfer is one of the missions of the university”.
To this end, Universities bring students closer to the corporate world through collaborations, activities and encounters with cutting-edge companies.
They also offer guidance and mentoring actions with the Professional Career Service of CEU USP and CEU UCH and the Mentoring of CEU UAO. Therefore it focuses on boosting talent through employability programs, and offering job search tools, promoting recruiting and networking events with companies or advising and providing one to one employment counselling.
As a result, CEU Universities have very high employability rates always over 90%.
Employability, internationalization and innovation now come along with another unavoidable challenge: socialization as one of the key aspects of the University time, a factor thas has been lost during the pandemic with virtual lessons and that students are looking forward to resume because they are aware that they are loosing an important part of what university can offer: cultural, sports and leisure activities.
Also university has to make an effort to incorporate knowledge in humanities in all degrees because they are the ones helping in the development of critical thinking and also, growth and professional and personal maturity.