CEU Digital Assistant reaches our Universities: a pioneer and bilingual project
17 September, 2019New Edition of the Employment Forum at Moncloa Campus
24 September, 2019Each year thousands of university students from all countries worldwide join CEU Universities. It is without doubt a choice guided by the prestige of the greatest private institution in Spain with over 80 years of history.
We know that studying abroad is a unique learning experience. When we study abroad we learn not only another language but also a new culture, we create new personal relationships and we gain autonomy and maturity. Adapting to a new city, especially in a different country is however such a challenge. If we add to this the changes inherent to the beginning of a new course in a centre we are not familiar with, it is worth having some tips for a smooth landing.
Get ready to discover new things and learn outside classes.
It is necessary to assume that stability will be achieved with patience and time but an open mind is essential. Moreover:
Anticipate: Do some research on the Internet about the city you are going to live in: public transport and other useful services, the places of interests, habits and local features… Everything necessary to have a basic idea.
Contact students of your nationality who have studied in the same city in the past or who are there at present: Most likely their experiences will be useful and they may also be a good starting point to meet people.
As soon as you reach the Campus, contact with the different orientation services of CEU Universities. They will offer personal attention on how to move around, how to find a place, how to carry out the most important proceedings, etc.
Welcoming Service of Universidad CEU San Pablo.
International welcoming service of Universidad CEU Abat Oliba.
Welcoming Service for international students of Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera.
Integrate in the cultural, sports and social activity of your university: the three CEU Universities offer a very complete agenda with all sorts of options. It is a very fine way to meet people and start creating networks within the University itself.
Join an NGO or charity organization: choose the one more similar to your worries and make it your pledge. In addition to developing useful and very satisfactory activities you will know people with your same concerns. CEU Universities have different volunteer options that will surely have a lot to do with you.
Volunteer, solidarity and development cooperation of the USP.
Solidarity volunteer job of the UCH.
Know the city: Get ready to discover its streets, festivals, emblematic places, gastronomy… Cities where CEU Universities are found (Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia) are known for their attractive social life and their different landmarks.
Create a routine from the beginning: clearly plan your study and leisure times. You will have time for everything but organization is crucial to make the most of your university studies abroad.
Spending a year abroad is a very enriching experience. Make the most of it and enjoy a stay that you will surely never forget.