Postgraduates, Masters and own degrees: specialize in the health sector at CEU Universities
15 June, 2020Double presence has been successfully implemented at CEU Universities
19 June, 2020A good organization when studying is crucial to optimize times and achieve good results. Being constant and avoiding last-minute cramming before exams, planning times and taking the proper breaks are some of the most important guidelines. But do not forget that defining a plan and working hours does not only apply to examination periods. Creating daily study routines has multiple advantages.
The first thing is to be realistic. Analyse your normal routines and how many hours a day you can spend studying and always include resting and disconnecting times. After this, you will have to distribute the hours of the different tasks and periodically revise the plan in case it is necessary to do adjustments. These are some extra tips to efficiently organize the study:
Avoid procrastination and interruptions
The best thing is to have a clear weekly plan and organize it sufficiently in advance. Also leave your mobile far from your study area to avoid the temptation of continuously checking it. Avoid also having your email or any app with notifications open that demand your attention. To concentrate on one single task at a time there are multiple techniques. With them we encourage concentration and avoid multi-tasking. An example is that known as Pomodoro but there are many others. Find the one that suits you best.
Organize time and materials intelligently
Prepare at the end of the day the necessary material to start your study the next day. Define also the guidelines of your specific program and try to strictly fulfil it. Therefore it will be more complicated to distract or do several things at a time. Of course, you have to be flexible; if you find that the planning does not have the desired results, change it. Creating a study calendar, setting daily, weekly and monthly objectives are only a few examples of ways to accomplish small goals and motivating yourself. It is also a good idea to divide the biggest and most complex tasks into other smaller ones. Establish priorities and distribute them in time blocks.
Be constant
Also bear in mind your performance. Studying 10 hours a day does not have sense if you have done nothing the day before. This can give you a hard time and you will not be able to achieve the objectives you seek. This way it is essential that you distribute hours and tasks in a realistic manner. Longer days are not always the most efficient; you will soon feel tired and do less than expected making you lose heart.
Take care of your study area
The place you are going to study may make the difference. Mix all materials you need and choose a place without distractions and interruptions. A good illumination and the absence of noise will favour concentration. An excellent option is to go to the Libraries of CEU Universities, ready for you to comfortably install and make the most of the time. Prepare your backpack the day before with everything you need for an efficient day and make the most of the study environment and sharing breaks with your mates.
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