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22 December, 20228 reasons to study at CEU Universities
30 December, 2022This was the first degree CEU offered in Valencia in September 1972.
On the occasion of this Anniversary the Faculty of Health Sciences has organized a commemorative day to ease the encounter of all people forming part of the history of the degree in Pharmacy.
The Dean of CEU UCH, Vicente Navarro de Luján, and the Dean of Health Sciences, Verónica Veses, have presided commemoration celebrations. In their speeches they have thanked the representatives of University, Pharmacy and patients’ associations as well as students, alumni, professors and administration and services staff for their participation in these celebration acts.
The pharmacist: the most valued and close to patient professional
Students and professors have attended the roundtable “The challenges of Pharmacy of the 21st century” at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Health Sciences that have inaugurated the commemoration acts for the 50th Anniversary.
The professional challenges in topics such as the health care activity, digital transformation and patient assistance have been the main topics of the round table defending the profile of pharmacists.
The University has gathered the university and professional world in the Institutional Act for the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Pharmacy. The building of the main Auditorium has been the scenery of this emotional encounter, a tribute of the CEU UCH to all people who have formed part of the history of the degree in Pharmacy these years.
Students, alumni and professors have been the main characters of this act, first with the viewing of the video “50 years raising PharmaCEUticals” and then with the award ceremony of different awards and distinctions.
The MICOF has given the “Award to Best Academic Record of 2021/22 which continues studying at CEU” to Alicia Domenech, while Fedefarma has awarded the three CEU UCH students with the best End of Degree Project of 2021/22.
In turn, the Faculty has rewarded professors that have been more than 25 years dedicated to raising future pharmacists.
The institutional act for the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Pharmacy has closed with the motivation speech “Road to success” offered by the coach and teacher Verónica Carrascosa, and the subsequent wine enlivened by students of CEU Música.