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14 May, 2021The observatory of social and ethical impact of artificial intelligence, OdiseIA and the University have signed a collaboration agreement providing for the basic principles for the development of research and education projects, programs and activities. The signatories of this agreement have been the Dean, Rosa Visiedo, the manager of the University, Carmen García de Elías and the Chairperson of the Observatory, Idoia Salazar García.
With this framework agreement of a two-year duration, both institutions undertake to establish the scope of collaboration in the scientific, academic and cultural fields of common interest as well as to create channels to enable this mutual collaboration and offering the human, material and technical resources necessary. Also, thanks to this initiative, our students will be able to collaborate with top level experts in the field of AI in different inter-disciplinary actions, some of them already developed with major companies such as Google, Microsoft, Telefónica or IBM.
For the implementation of the activities foreseen in the collaboration agreement, there is a Follow-up Commission formed by María Solano, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Communication Sciences; Ricardo Javier Palomo, Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences; Idoia Ana Salazar, the Chairperson of OdiseIA; and Jesús Avezuela, member of the Board of Directors of OdiseIA, State Legal advisor and Director of the Foundation Pablo VI.
The Commission will assess the possibilities to collaborate in issues of common interest, will prepare ad-hoc specific agreements, will refer the proposal prepared to the competent bodies of both parties and will clarify and decide on all issues or controversies which may arise in the interpretation and execution.
OdiseIA, the first Observatory of Social and Ethical Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Spain
The Observatory OdiseIA is a non-profit institution devoted to promote Artificial Intelligence (AI) but from a responsible and ethical use. This space for thinking, debating and acting unique is Spain is promoted by a series of top level interdisciplinary professionals. At present over 150 national and international experts join the group from other different disciplines. OdiseIA has also institutional partners such as Price Waterhouse Coopers, the Association of Lawyers or the Association of Registrars, among others, in addition to multiple collaboration agreements with other entities and universities.
The main mission of the Observatory is to raise awareness and provide counselling both to public and private entities on the correct use of AI in order to avoid potential negative impacts. Also, it promotes the dissemination of knowledge through publications, events and training courses and research in different sectors and areas. This organization is specially committed to education at all levels, boosting awareness-raising initiatives to promote in an easy manner the understanding of reality around AI and its impact.