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3 June, 2019The entrepreneurial spirit requires basic knowledge, skills and attitudes. This is the case of initiative, innovation and capacity to assume risks, knowing to work in teams, being capable of organizing according to targets, planning and negotiating as well as developing critical and creative thinking.
The main stages of entrepreneurship
Undertaking is a process where the skills encouraged in CEU students from the beginning come into play. It is the natural consequence of an inquiring and innovative mind directed to offer solutions to the society. These are the main steps any undertaking project has to take:
Defining the business idea
The first thing is to limit the idea with which we will cover a market need. At this stage, innovation is essential. What is your value proposal? What is your competitive advantage? We should offer something different or access a new market niche.
Analysing its feasibility
You might have a great idea but that might not be possible or profitable to put into practice. With a feasibility plan you can study whether it is worth to continue with it. It will be necessary to study the market and competition, to know the existing alterative products, to define our target audience accurately and in detail as well as to estimate costs and sales.
Elaborating the business plan
This road map shows everything necessary to start the project. It should include the conclusions of the feasibility plan, the business model chosen, the investment needs, the marketing plan and the business strategy…It is also very useful to present the undertaking when looking for partners or investors.
Incorporating the company
At this stage we only have to deal with bureaucracy. To choose the appropriate legal form and incorporate the company are the main steps. Take into account that according to the business model, you should ask for permits or solve other administrative issues to make everything legal.
CEU Emprende, an initiative to promote undertaking
With presence in all CEU centres, from Schools to Universities its purpose is to promote the undertaking spirit. It is in charge of offering education and tools to our students to make them capable of successfully developing an entrepreneurship project. It focuses on the more social aspect so CEU collaborates with NGOs and foundations with social purposes.
To sum up, we help our students and alumni make their ideas come true supporting them at all stages of the project and we do so, through education through different formats with the help of professionals that can provide real experiences. Moreover, we propose activities, networking opportunities, scholarships, international undertaking programs… everything in collaboration with prestigious entities committed to education and undertaking such as Grupo Santander.
For further information on everything CEU can help you, entrepreneur, please visit these pages: