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17 October, 2022Humanity, innovation, employability and internationalization; 4 ingredients of a different forms of learning
24 October, 2022Companies shall not only adapt to digital transformation but also search workers with digital skills.
If you are looking for an employment or you are thinking about changing jobs you should not rule out the following professional skills.
These types of skills still don’t have an expiration date and are the most sought because they are essential in any professional environment.
We would like to keep in the third position: COMMUNICATION, EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND LEADERSHIP. There are things that never change but they indeed have to adapt to new situations.
Also we add to our list:
- Teamwork. It gains positions especially at this time with telework. This situation of collaborating online with our team makes learning and adaptation of teamwork essential.
- Creativity. This does not only mean having artistic skills but rather it also implies having the capacity to exit our comfort zone to commit to innovative concepts and challenges.
- Learnability. Constant learning. To be willing to learn constantly and today more than ever, the capacity to learn new technologies, programs and systems.
- Resilience and management of stress. Being able to adapt to adverse situations and remain strong, patient and calm in a crisis environment.
- Digital skills. From being able to make a video-call to being 100% productive online or learning quickly the operation of new programs and digital tools.
- Management of uncertainty. Adaptability. Flexibility. Being able to adapt in situations of change, adopting new work methodologies, using new tools and accepting changes.
Technology and digital transformation change the most demanded hard skills, even more than soft skills. Following the line of the importance of the digital transformation time we are living, our list is formed by:
- Analytic thinking. Data analysis. One of the most valued knowledge. Knowing how to read data and use analysis to make informed and appropriate decisions.
- Client experience. UX Design. Today Webs have become our way of life. The designer of a good user experience is one of the most demanded profiles.
- Blockchain. It is certainly the most valued in the labour market according to LinkedIn. Its system based on mathematic operations allows the registry of transactions and purchase and sale transactions with total safety so companies using it increase every day and look for experts in this area.
- Cloud computing or cloud IT. Managing cloud files or information is another hard skill that has increased in the digital world. It is a distribution method which offers cloud services (Internet). Experts in cloud computing will be one of the most demanded next year.
- Business analyst. For company projects to work and even more to be the best. An analyst studies how companies work to recommend decisions or solutions allowing the achievement of objectives. Who would not like to have one?
- Web Programing. Every time we buy more things online. This turns Web programmers to something essential as they make possible web surfing and quality of web pages which of course, serves to improve sales.
Experience and technical knowledge are crucial in the life of every professional and this is a fact. But many times recruiters give priority to soft skills. The reason is that they are more difficult to teach while hard skills many times are learned in the work place. Both of them are complementary and need one another.