CEU Professional Careers Service among the most valued
4 November, 2021Cybersecurity, a profession with great potential
10 November, 2021‘Your future is digital”. With this motto, CEU digital and Talentum Telefónica have showed University students the path to reinforce their technological skills in the new digital era. Scholarships of this company for the Cloud Computing Fundamentals represent another aspect of their commitment to technological skilling of the Spanish society and in particular, Telefonica’s commitment to young and digital talent.
CEU Digital and Talentum Telefónica have showed University students the path to reinforce their technological skills in the new digital era.
This encounter held at the Aula Magna of the Campus in Moncloa of
Universidad San Pablo CEU has offered a lecture called: “Entrepreneurs and technology; unwritten rules” by Andrés Saborido, Manager of Wayra Hub of Telefónica; with the attendance of Marta Blanco, Head of Talent in Telefónica, in a round table on the demand of companies in the labour market along with the responsible of Professional Careers of the University, Carmen Sebrango, and the Head of the Degree in Business Intelligence, Pablo Arés.
CEU Digital is the new projection of CEU academic group within the scope of online and semi-virtual education with continued teaching programs in areas such as advanced management, design, health and new technologies such as cloud computing in collaboration with AWS Educate by Amazon, Data Science with SAS or Artificial Intelligence with Microsoft.