We are passionate about discovery, innovation and creation. These three elements constitute one of the characteristics and attractions of university life at CEU.
At our Universities research is considered to be the mother of knowledge as it is responsible for creation and national and international transmission.
CEU Universities and their Research Institutes have the goal of promoting and supporting research activity in the academic and business fields and sharing their findings throughout society.
Currently we have more than 88 research projects underway, totalling an investment of over 5.87 million Euros.
Some of the activities carried out through the Vice-Rector Offices of Research are:
CEINDO means 'Research'
CEINDO (the CEU International Doctoral School) offers 6 PhD programmes and supports the universities with more than 70 active research projects. As a result of its outstanding research, CEU Universities is awarded over 20 million euros a year in research competitive funding and industry/commerce income. CEU Universities is committed to research and demonstrates this by is allocating more than 1 million euros a year to research grants for promising young researchers.
88 + research programmes and 250 + researchers
In this context, through its Universities and Research Institutes, CEU aims to promote and support research activity in the university and business environment and disseminate the results obtained in the social environment. This objective also fits with the institution's commitment to research and internationalisation. Activities carried out through the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research include: co-ordination of the doctoral programmes, calls for predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowship applications, researcher mobility grants, management of six-year research period assessments by the national committee for the evaluation of research actions (CNEAI) and internal grants for research projects, amongst others.