Research in Humanities: knowing the society to transform it
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7 February, 2020Professor Emeritus in Arabic and Medieval Philosophy at the French University has been named along with other ten CEU professors, Doctor Honoris Causa by Universidad CEU San Pablo. The academic ceremony has taken place after the Eucharist on the occasion of the festivity of Saint Thomas Aquinas.
María Bellido, Secretary General and Vice-Rector of Institutional Relations read the Rector Decree for the award of this title recognizing Brague’s merits in philosophy and classical and medieval thinking. Then, Elio Alfonso Gallego, Chair Professor of Philosophy of Law has delivered the laudation. He has highlighted the extraordinary cultural background of the French professor as well as his great influence in actual catholic thinking. Then he has mentioned that his “vital objective has neither been fame nor success but the research and the truth in capital letters. To attain the wisdom of things and put it at the service of knowledge”.
Afterwards, the Rector Rosa Visiedo has handed to the new Doctor Honoris Causa the doctoral titles and symbols that come with it: the medal, the mortarboard, the ring and the gloves. Moreover Professor Gallego, his patron, has handed to him the book of science.
Professor Brague in his admission speech to the Cloister has declared that “a University is catholic in itself; if it rejects the title of Catholic it will no longer be a University”. He has also indicated that “some of them are not aware of it, others insist in forgetting”, something that affects most universities nowadays. He has ended thanking this recognition granted by a University considered Catholic and proud to be so.
In turn, the Rector with her speech has wanted to encourage new Professors to whom she has reminded that “the University is the space for coexistence between those who wish to learn and those willing to teach”. Brague’s appointment according to Visiedo shows how will the University project be in the next few years: “using all elements science can place in our hands to adapt to new scenarios but always being faithful to our fundamental principles of the Asociación Católica de Propagandistas”.
The closing ceremony was entrusted to the Great Chancellor of the University, Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza, who has affirmed that “today it is time to take a step forward and raise public opinion awareness on the great European cultural legacy”.
New Professors are: Fernando Bonete, Alejandro Valencia Virosta, Carlota Sáenz de Tejada Granados, Laura Monteagudo Barandalla, Santiago Ávila Vila, Cecilia Barbas Bernardos, Alberto Gil de la Fuente, Mª Concepción Jiménez Álvarez, Arturo Medina Castaño and Laura Martínez Otón.
Moreover in this ceremony the Awards to the Departments’ Teaching and Investigation Quality have been given. The first award has been granted to the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health of the Faculty of Pharmacy received by its Director, Gregorio Varela Moreiras. Ana María Ramos González, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of the same faculty has received the second distinction. The third one was awarded to the Department of Clinical Medical Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine received by its Secretary, Alicia de la Cuerda López.
Also the Awards to the Teaching Quality of Degree Titles have been given. In this category, the Degree in Biomedical Engineering of the Higher Polytechnic School has received the first distinction and was collected by Abraham Otero Quintana, its director. The second distinction was awarded to the Degree in Administration and Business Management of the Faculty of Economic and Business Studies received by its director, Mercedes Rubio Andrés. Finally, Myriam Cabrera Guerra, Head of the Degree in Physiotherapy of the Faculty of Medicine has received the third distinction.