OnCEULab interviews CEU Alumni and A3 Noticias newscaster Matías Prats
3 June, 2019Employability: Job and internship pool at CEU Universities
10 June, 2019The VI Ranking of Universities by Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo 2019 has ranked Universidad CEU San Pablo in the first positions considering it as a high performance centre. It outstands for the indicators of internationalization, research and transfer of knowledge.
Within the scope of the investigation it has accomplished a relevant position in standard impact items of publications, inter-disciplinary publications and publications frequently quoted. This last one refers to the proportion of publications of the centre found among the 10 most quoted. Not for nothing CEU San Pablo considers the research effort as one of the main axis of its mission of excellence and search for talent to which it devotes over 4.5 million euros in the form of 47 different projects.
With regard to internationalization, it outstands in the categories of some degrees taught in foreign languages. It also outstands in the mobility of students which is the ratio between the number of Graduate and Post-Graduate students in international exchange programs and the total number of students enrolled. Thus the University is pioneer in offering bilingual degrees as well in offering a broad range of exchanges with University centres throughout the world. The purpose is no other than forming professionals capable of successfully coping with a competitive and global world.
In this ranking Universidad CEU San Pablo is also found among the most outstanding centres given its high performance rate in Graduates and Post-graduates and its publications with companies. All these results highlight without doubt the commitment of CEU Universities to an educational model oriented to excellence and integral training.