Dos alumnas sonriendo en el campus de Montepríncipe
Universidad CEU San Pablo, guarantee of commitment with students
12 September, 2023
post vida en las universidades CEU, alumnos club de la USP
Have the first-hand experience of studying at CEU Universities
18 September, 2023
Dos alumnas sonriendo en el campus de Montepríncipe
Universidad CEU San Pablo, guarantee of commitment with students
12 September, 2023
post vida en las universidades CEU, alumnos club de la USP
Have the first-hand experience of studying at CEU Universities
18 September, 2023

Where can I study a Master in Management of Education Centres?

Many students consider extending their education after completing a Degree in Teaching and decide to study a Master in Management of Education Centres. In other many cases, working teachers decide to take these postgraduate studies to improve their CV.

If you find yourself in any of these two cases or if you are a working manager responsible for the coordination of education institutions and you are wondering where to study a Master in Management of Education Centres, we recommend you these two options: University Master in Management and Direction of Education Centres at Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, UCH, in Valencia and in Madrid, the Master in Management of Catholic Education Centres at Universidad CEU San Pablo, USP.

Master in Management of Education Centres at UCH, Valencia

The hybrid system of the University Master in Management and Direction of Educational Centres at UCH makes possible to combine classes with any other professional or personal activity.

It is a university master (or official) which means that it is certified by the ANECA (National Agency for the Assessment of Quality and Certification) and by the AVAP (Agència Valenciana D’Avaluació i Prospectiva) unlike the own title of the University that is certified only the University itself.

As it is official it can be homologated and admitted anywhere within the European Higher Education Area. It also provides future access to a PhD program.

In the University Master on Management and Direction of Educational Centres, external internships are mandatory and they can be done at the education centre where the student works either public, charter or private,

You will find further information here.

Master in Management of Catholic Education Centres at USP

This Master in Management of Education Centres is specifically designed to manage and lead Catholic education centres. This Master is taught in collaboration with CEU San Pablo, USP, and Fundación Educatio Servanda to bring it even closer to the professional practice.

The aim of the subjects of this master in leadership and management of Catholic education centres is to raise professionals capable of leading a Catholic education project or to unfold in the coordination of teams within such project.

It is formed by three modules. The general one addresses issues such as the anthropological foundations of education: theological fundamentals of education; virtues and values in education; history of Catholic education; legal fundamentals or management of educational centres.

The specific module addresses from the legislation on education to the financing, authorization and economic sustainability and communication and education marketing strategies.

The third one is the module of internships and End of Master Project.

You will find further information here.