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9 February, 2019Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU has given its 21st Angel Herrera Awards in a ceremony held in the Casino de Madrid. These awards were born in 1997 to acknowledge the social, educational and research duty of individuals or groups from different CEU centres. They are named after Angel Herrera Oria, the first President of the ACdP, body responsible for the creation of the Foundation in 1933.
An acknowledgment to the social, solidary and innovative view
Since its 20th Edition it also rewards the duty of people and institutions that have outstand for their contribution to the improvement of the society and promotion of public good. This is the case of the Ángel Herrera Ethics and Values Award, created two years ago, which in this Edition has been awarded to Ayuda a la Iglesia Necesitada. This foundation helps the Catholic Church in countries in real need to refugees and Christians persecuted for the sake of the Gospel.
The Award Ángel Herrera to Solidary has been awarded to the Asociación Solidaria Universitaria (ASU)for its project “Ten years changing lives”. It is an NGO born to improve the conditions of life of people thanks to the social involvement of youngsters. They perform volunteer work and other solidarity actions for the people more in need.
The Asociación Solidaria Universitaria (ASU) has developed different cooperation projects and volunteer programs: inauguration of a school, a well and a house of university professors; the extension of a school; the collection of medicines and computers; among other actions. During the last decade it has focused its efforts on Burundi. The country has been ravaged since its independence in 1963 by cruel and continuous wars and it has not known a solid period of peace until 2005. This means that most basic infrastructures are scarce or inexistent.
The Award Ángel Herrera to pedagogic and didactic innovation has acknowledged the duty of the teacher Eduardo Prieto Mata, of Colegio CEU Jesús María in Alicante valuing his work “Learning based on projects based on the Sciences of the Earth”.
This teacher of the Second year of High School Education has applied to his students the methodology of Learning Based on Projects (ABP for its Spanish initials) in the subject Sciences of the Earth and Environment (CCTMA). It is a global learning method by which students turn into the centre of the teaching-learning process in an individual, general and practical manner. In the development of the projects they have applied cooperative work strategies to respond to the needs of society.
Research as the driving force of society
The Awards Ángel Herrera to the best research work in its different areas, have been awarded to:
- Area of Experimental Sciences to the work ‘Pleiotrophin deletion alters glucose homeostasis, energy metabolism and brown fat thermogenic function in mice’. Research based on the search of new biomarkers which knowledge eases the early diagnosis of metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes or Metabolic Syndrome.
- Area of Architecture and Engineering to Professor of Architecture Composition of University CEU San Pablo and Member of the Royal Academy of Spanish Phds, Pablo Campos Calvo-Sotelo, for his work ‘Architecture, Urban Planning and Education: towards a didactic dimension of space” .
- Area of Arts and Social Sciences to Professor Juan Manuel Blanch Nougués for his work ‘Latin Expressions and Legal Reasoning. A revision under the light of Roman Law and Actual Law”. The acknowledgement has been ex aequo with the work ‘In search of lost humanism. Studies of the work of Juan Luis Vives’. It consists in the joint work of a group of professors of the CEU Institute of Arts Ángel Ayala and of University CEU Cardenal Herrera (Valencia).
The annual event of CEU Community
Finally, the Ángel Herrera Award to CEU Alumni in both categories has also been awarded: Alumni Senior to Elsa Beltrán, Degree in Veterinary by University CEU Cardenal Herrera (Valencia); and Alumni Junior to Andrea Caña, Degree in Journalism by University CEU San Pablo.
These awards acknowledge the daily work of professionals who through their valuable duty, contribute to the improvement of society. Moreover, they outstand the clear commitment of CEU to social transformation.