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11 December, 2020The innovative COIL methodology: online internationalization and collaborative work
18 December, 2020Universidad CEU San Pablo has held this year 2020-2021 nearly 50 seminaries Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). These programs offer an international academic experience to its students who can work in collaboration with students from other universities. Among them there is a very special COIL held with the Mexican Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM).
Students of the University Degree on Universal Accessibility Consultant (TPCAU) by CEU San Pablo take part in this project financed by Fundación ONCE and the European Social Fund in collaboration with Fundación Juan XXIII Roncalli. This year there are 18 students with cognitive impairment who have received education to become universal accessibility consultants thanks to the program “Universal Accessibility: Spatial analysis of housing” along with seven students of the Social and Educational Inclusion Program (PISYE) of the University of Monterrey. To these we can add another seven Architecture students of the Higher Polytechnic School and seven from the Degree of Psycho-pedagogy of the University of Monterrey. The exercise proposed in this COIL has consisted on the spatial analysis of their own houses.
International collaboration with prestigious universities
The responsible of the organization of this COIL are Architecture Professors of CEU USP Concepción Pérez and Guadalupe Cantarero with the collaboration of Pablo F. Muñoz from Fundación Juan XIII Roncalli. The team is formed by, on the Mexican side, Andrea Martínez and Paola Dantés, facilitators and Bertha Adriana Díaz and Amelia Guadalupe Rivera as tutors.
Other teachers who have participated in this project are the professor of Psychology Pedro Luis Nieto del Rincón and Professors of the Higher Polytechnic School Sonia Izquierdo and Federico de Isidro. Moreover it has counted with the collaboration of other professors such as the Professor of Photography Emiliano Blasco, David Monreal and Miguel Ángel de Santiago and professors of Universidad Complutense de Madrid Mónica Viñarás and Juan Enrique Gonzálvez.
Weekly sessions held online started on 16th October with the beginning of the housing spatial analysis stage. During the whole process they used tools such as Teams, BlackBoard, Skype, social networks, etc.
COIL, internationalization and innovation from home
With these innovative projects we boost internationalization through e-learning. COIL which means “collaborative online international learning” involves the use of a cutting-edge and interactive methodology to provide online lessons. It is used by professors of two universities and different countries. Thanks to these resources, they reach a broad group of students without geographic limitations.