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2 March, 2022In the situation of the actual Western society, maintaining consistency in a catholic educational plan requires clear ideas, firmness in principles and security in day to day actions. It is necessary to count on the education of directors strengthening the cornerstones of an educational action of this nature and developing the practical aspects of the management and direction of the teaching centre from that same perspective.
With this vocation, Universidad CEU San Pablo, in Madrid and Fundación Educatio Servanda have signed a collaboration agreement in virtue of which both institutions will establish agreements in the scientific, academic and cultural fields of common interest as well as the resources to enable this mutual cooperation.
One of the initiatives that will be boosted within the framework of this agreement is the development of a Master in Direction of Catholic Educational Centres that will count with an Executive Board integrated by three representatives of each institution.
Juan Carlos Corvera, President of Fundación Educatio Servanda; Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza, President of Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU; and Rosa Visiedo, Dean of Universidad CEU San Pablo, have been responsible of drafting this collaboration agreement.
This Master is based on the specific difference of an education centre to be considered catholic.
Fundación Educatio Servanda is a non-profit institution. It was incorporated in 2006 by request of a group of Christian families who, from different social classes and concerned about the drift of Education in Spain decide to work together to design its own education model in collaboration with bishops and with the help of diocesan priests. In this meeting of laypersons –body- and priests –soul-, key distinguishing mark of the Foundation, it is one of its main strengths.
Four are the cornerstones of the Foundation: family, education, leisure and free time and public presence of Catholics. All these cornerstones as a whole encourage the education in virtues: an education that looks to people with love, sculpts it in all its integrity dignifying it and takes it to its fullness.