CEU San Pablo hosts the Employment Forum of the University with the attendance of over 60 companies from different sectors
2 March, 2019Internationalization in CEU Universities: workshops and events to expand horizons
8 March, 2019We may define digital transformation as the changes undergone by the implementation of digital technology to processes, strategies, services and products. The purpose is to improve productivity, increase the value, manage risks better and detect new opportunities. The integration of technology in all company areas involves also a necessary cultural change. And all this represents a great challenge that small companies are still far from facing.
ICTs, the Cloud, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Internet of things and mobile devices are only a few of the novelties that are already part of today’s world which is also drowned in data. Globalization and the rapidity with which technological transformation evolves require an agile adaptation by organizations to guarantee survival.
Fostering innovation, research and entrepreneurship from University
University centres are an active part of what we already know as the economy of knowledge. Therefore they have to commit to digital transformation.
CEU Universities work in this line. They focus on the promotion of talent as well as on the commitment to innovation and research to provide the labour market with professionals prepared for new challenges. We want to provide spearhead assets of this technological transformation and of those cultural changes so necessary in companies to accomplish real digitalization.
In this evolutionary process collaboration between the private sector, public administrations and universities is crucial both from the point of view of innovation and entrepreneurship. We live in a time when collaborative economy and cooperation between the different actors is very common. Therefore it is essential to find synergies and create opportunities.
New technologies and automation will be the breeding ground for new professions and for many work positions in the future. Universities have to notice these changes as an opportunity and a challenge. Most positions of the next years do not yet exist; such is the rate of change. But companies require already professionals capable of managing this transformation from digital marketing, robotics or big data to number a few.
Transmitting innovation and knowledge generated by the university to companies and administrations is essential to develop as a society; Thus the clear commitment of CEU Universities to entrepreneurship, employability, technological development and service to common good.
An academic offer conceived for the world of the future
CEU Universities located in three of the main Spanish cities (Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia) offer degrees, double degrees and postgraduates in the main areas of knowledge. Therefore, the academic offer of CEU Universities includes innovative degrees. Such is the case of digital communication, biotechnology, biomedical engineering or data protection among other many options in Arts, Law, Economics, Business, Marketing, Communication, Architecture, Engineering, Pharmacy, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Veterinary, Politics and Design.