The keys of collaborative work: a step beyond team work
22 December, 2020Social undertaking at CEU: Educating for innovation, transformation and progress
4 January, 2021Year 2019-2020 has tested the vocation and commitment of teachers and the immense majority of them has successful overcome the situation. Without doubt, teachers have an essential task in the comprehensive development of people and in the positive progress of society. Educational innovation is the key to adapt students’ education to the needs of educational institutions and the future world.
For this reason, CEU is committed to an innovative approach of education where critical thinking and creativity are at the service of the common good and turn into tools for the progress of humanity. Therefore CEU Universities’ students who work to become the teachers of the future study the latest teaching methodologies and learn through experiences the best way to apply them to the learning process of their students.
The pandemic has represented a challenge for Teaching degree professors of CEU Universities that have had to adapt innovation projects already planned and implement new initiatives. A good example are virtual tuition sessions or the project of CEU Cardenal Herrera with which students have reinforced their language and communication skills holding video conferences with students from prestigious foreign universities. All of it within the international program COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning).
Creativity and collaborative learning are the key to become the best teachers
A good teacher has to be creative to be able to foster its students’ creativity. For this reason innovation projects of CEU Universities focus on the stimulation of this skill. Also teachers have to know to adapt resources to the educational needs of each child, adjusting them as much as possible to help them reach their full potential.
On the other hand, innovation has to integrate in the system and not only be applied occasionally. Committing to innovation means placing student’s learning at the centre and customizing it.
Moreover continued education of teachers is crucial. Online social learning, personal learning environments and online courses are tools that allow teachers involvement, offer new educational options and open the door to collaborative work. Being able to put in common through digital platforms the different experiences and resources with other peers is highly valuable for their professional development.
Society demands teachers with a series of skills that require a new definition of the teaching profession. Therefore it is necessary to promote a change in methodology taking innovation as starting point as well as to direct professors’ efforts to the development of the skills of students which turns into the centre of the activity. The commitment of CEU Universities is to raise the best teachers to make them capable of raising the citizens of the future.