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11 March, 2022Success of the Innovation Week
17 March, 2022The European Consortium for Accreditation in Higher Education (ECA) has awarded CEU UCH the Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation, CeQUINT, highlighting the international and intercultural dimension of CEU UCH evidencing the quality of its internationalization programs. This Certificate created in 2013 is awarded for a period of 5 years to be renewed after a new assessment.
This acknowledgment has two variants: the institutional one for the whole University and the programmatic one that can be awarded to a specific program within the academic offer of a Faculty. In the case of CEU UCH the acknowledgement granted is the institutional one.
In order to award this certificate, the ECA assesses five parameters: Goals to improve learning results of students; Plans on how internationalization involves all members of the organization; Implementation with respect to data collection, analysis and decisions as well as the documentation of all achievements; Improvement on the integration of the international approach of the Internal System of Quality Guarantee (SIGC), in stakeholders, the creation of alliances, etc. and Governance around responsibilities, mainstreaming and dissemination, effectivity, reaction and competitive surveillance towards the outside. CEU UCH has obtained this Excellency certificate in parameters 2, 3 and 5 for Plans, Implementation and Governance; and a Good rating in parameters 1 and 4 for Goals and Improvement.
Renewed Internationalization Strategy
Within its internationalization strategy, CEU UCH currently develops 23 COIL Projects (Collaborative Online Learning) involving 942 students that seek to provide international education to students throughout their studies. Moreover, CEU UCH Vice-Dean of Internationalization carries out other initiatives such as the Project “Alumni Ambassadors”, supported nearly by 2,500 international students of the University this year and that represent 31% of the total students.
Among the objectives of this year to increase their level of internationalization, CEU UCH has already filed the dossier to the US Administration to request the inclusion in their scholarship programs, has designed the creation of a certified international program (Micocredentials) and will host in October in Valencia the International IVEC 2022 Congress, the most important international forum of teachers and academic responsible of Universities worldwide interested in promoting new multicultural education methodologies based on the use of technologies.