Why to study a Degree in Marketing
7 September, 2021We see you through University life
15 September, 2021These days our new students have known what their daily life will be during the next years in the Welcome Days of each university.
The objective of these sessions is in addition to celebrating as much as possible their incorporation, easing their quick adaptation to university life and giving them all the information they need to start the year. It is also the first encounter with their new peers and the chance to approach other students with common interests and hobbies in a relaxed environment.
The Welcome Day held at the Campus of Montepríncipe in person guaranteeing all measures and protocols established by healthcare authorities was directed to the 2,100 new students joining classes, 10% more than the previous year and of whom 300 are international and to allow them meeting the managing team and professors of their Faculty or School.
There were specific lectures in the different buildings of each Faculty or School and outside there were live performances, food trucks, live music, complementary activities and stands with information about the different services and activities; Campus life, Clubs, SOU, GPS, Buddy Program, Volunteer Work, Pastoral, Sports, Alumni, Professional Careers, CEU Digital Technologies and Degree in Values and Leadership in the Digital Era.
The academic year has started with over 2,300 new students, being 30% of them international students from up to 90 different nationalities. To welcome them the University has organized different events at the Campus.
At Valencia’s Campus there was an encounter for youngsters to know the main services of the University.
At Castellón’s Campus, new students knew first-hand, the subjects they will study during the career, the services and premises of the campus as well as the cultural offer and the many social initiatives carried out by our University with different NGOs and other groups.
Also in the first weeks they will be assisted by mentors, CEU students of higher years who will provide orientation and assistance to improve their integration in campus.
In Barcelona lessons are starting gradually: we start with international exchange students with a Welcome Session organized by the International Relations Service. It had a two-fold objective: on the one hand, to express the joy of having them with us; on the other, making easier for them the first contact. This way, they were able to know their university for the next months and also met other peers who, like them have taken the leap to this experience of studying abroad.
As studying abroad is not a mere academic act but rather a vital one in broadest sense of the word, there was also room for cultural information and some useful tips to make the most of living in Barcelona.